Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Project Time! ~Tray~

Everyone else is posting Tablescapes, Holiday Decorating, New Years Eve plans, menu, etc.  Me, a project!  A craft!
In my archives you will see where I went 'thrifting' and found a silver plate tray.  And promised to post more about that tray in the future. (Tray in the upper left.)

Thanksgiving 2008 I displayed my faux turkey, leaves and gourds in it.

 Christmas 2008 I displayed my bisque nativity in it.

 This year it has under gone a transformation.

Here you see my price tag. $2.48. And I think blue stickers were marked down that day.

You can see there are spots where the silver has come off and a little rust has set in.

Primed with what ever I had that needed to be used up.

Added the color I wanted and an additional coat...

Then added a couple of layers of Chalk paint.

I dropped some chalk paint on the edge. When I tried to clean it up, I got this effect. Loved it!!! Added it to the project. :-) Aren't mistakes great blessings!

Hey, Alabama won SEC Championship and is headed to the Nationals! Merry Christmas will have to wait until next year.

ROLL TIDE ROLL! One more week!


Rachel said...

That's gorgeous! I am QUITE impressed. Now can you make me one?? :)

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

I need to keep my eye open at the thrift store.
Happy New Year~ I hope you got some greens and peas.

Anonymous said...
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Robin @ The Rendered Nest said...

Hey Girl,
I've been absent for awhile but I'm getting back into the blogging mood now. I love what you did to that tray...hope the Tide wins tomorrow! Enjoy the snow if we actually get some!!

SmilingSally said...

Congratulations, Missy, on 'bama's BIG win!

Creations By Cindy said...

I love this post! I never you could paint a silver plate like that! Love it! TFS Cindy

Cynthia said...

I just picked up a silver tray at the thrifty store and this is exactly what I am going to do with it. Thanks for sharing and have a great day! Hook 'Em Horns! Yes, I'm from TX!

Missy Wertz said...

I cannot believe I am having to moderate this lil'ole blog! LOL!

Kitty Scraps said...

Hello Melissa,
I just stopped by to say hello and tell you that I miss you! I pray you and yours are safe & well (((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

Nice... It's so beautiful.