Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's Been a While...

I have not posted to this blog in so long. For quite some time, I had lack of inspiration.  I have a photography business and just managing the website and blog for it keeps me busy.  I have also been ill.  God is very good and has blessed us so much.  I have shared this on my health and fitness blog and my business blog.  One day I will share it here.

We are taking life slower, enjoying the moments and looking for opportunities to serve our Lord Jesus Christ.

Edited to add...I am linking to Sally's Blue Monday.  :-)  

Container Gardening with Vegetables

I have always loved gardening.  We have a lot of shade and growing a vegetable garden is very difficult.  I decided I would try growing vegetables in containers.  We had fresh lettuces and greens most of last winter and spring.  :-)  Success!!!  I decided to plant lettuces again this year, only start earlier this time.  We are in the deep south, greens grow much better in our fall and spring.  In the late spring and early summer they tend to go bitter and burn up from the heat.  I purchased several lettuces, kale & broccoli.cell packs from a garden center and planted them in my large pots.
This a photo of one of my large pots, full of potting soil.  We have red leaf lettuce, broccoli & pansies.

Here we have kale (kale packs the most bang for the buck in nutrition!), romaine lettuce and some broccoli.  See my BLUE finial?  It will support the broccoli as it grows.  :-).  

I like to put a few pansies in my containers.  They do well through out the winter here.  It looks like someone else likes this pansy as well!  It is half eaten!

I picked a very large basket of romaine and red leaf lettuce.  I then mixed a couple of teaspoons of salt with some water in a large Blue bowl and let them soak for about 20 minutes.  This gets rid of any parasites on the vegetables and will keep keeps us from having a tummy ache.

Rinse and spin dry.

Chop, add any other veggies you have on hand, (I mixed in a large BLUE bowl) and add your favorite dressing.  (This salad has cauliflower, grape tomatoes, hoop cheese and apple pears.)
