Friday, September 13, 2019

5 Health Benefits From Drinking Kombucha

#kombucha #health #missyslittlethingsinlife

If you follow my Facebook page or my Instagram page then you know that several months ago I discovered a beverage called Kombucha. Y'all are probably wondering, "What is the world is Kombucha!?!" and that is a very good question.

What is Kombucha?

(So I know y'all are here to read about the "Health Benefits". If you already know all about kombucha, just scroll on past this part.)

Kombucha is a fermented beverage made from sweetened tea. The word Kombucha comes from the name of a Korean healer, Kombu and the Japanese word for tea, "cha", hence Kombucha.  There are several stories of how Kombucha came about, but one of the most popular stories is that around 415 AD the healer Kombu was tending to the Japanese Emperor Ingyo, who was suffering from an illness at the time. Kombu gave the Emperor some of his grandmother's 'brew' (Don't you just love the term "Grandmother's Brew"? I don't know if it is true or not, but I like the story!) known to be a sort of "cure all". It is said that the beverage cured whatever was ailing Ingyo and from that time on he drank a glass every day of his life and was never sick.  It must have worked, because he ruled for almost 40 years and lived to the ripe old age of 76-77 years old. 

The fermented tea gained popularity, spreading westward throughout Asia, Russia then to Western Europe. In the 1970's it became very popular in the United States and has recently become all the "rage" once again. Stores are devoting whole coolers to sale of kombucha. All kinds, brands and flavors. 
Store Cooler Full of Kombucha
At $2.50-$5.00 per 16 oz bottle, those of us who drink it daily for the health benefits are learning to brew this beverage at home. You can make it for about 0.20 cents per 16 oz bottle. Less if you make it plain. For those whose whole families drink a serving everyday, this is the way to go. It is an acquired taste. If you drink apple cider vinegar everyday, you will love kombucha!

As with most fermented foods and beverages, there is an alcohol content. Now before you get your "panties in a wad" or get all excited thinking this is booze... (If the latter is your motivation you will be disappointed, because it is not like that.) The alcohol content is 0.5-1.0 percent. What you buy in the store is tested and regulated. Keep in mind, a minor child should be able to go into a store and purchase a bottle, go out into the parking lot and drink it. If they are squirrely afterward, it might have more to do with the caffeine and sugar. Some people lack the histamine for processing the tad bit of alcohol that kombucha contains, but that sensation only lasts for a few minutes and might have more to do with the sugar/caffeine rush if you drink it too fast, like drinking strong sweet tea. 

Like apple cider vinegar, it is an acquired taste. My husband claims that is is the nastiest stuff he has ever put in his mouth. And in his defense, that was my fought. I had bought a brand that I had not tried before and was sharing it with him, it was nasty. Flavors do tend to be inconsistent as in strength, sweetness, carbonation, etc. even within brand families. 

Kombucha has a tangy, slightly sweet, slightly sour (some less, some more) tasting carbonated beverage that is sparkly. (Watch out! If it is very sparkly, it might have some additives. Be sure to read your labels!) If fruit has been added to it, it will be fruity as well. A SCOBY (symbiotic colony of bacteria & yeast) is added to the sweetened tea. This is a living organism that is often call the "mother", a "mushroom" or "Japanese mushroom". It is a perfect balance of bacteria and yeast that makes kombucha so healthy. The yeast in the SCOBY feeds on the sugar that is in the tea. Beneficial bacteria continues to grow as well. A byproduct of the yeast is co₂ and how kombucha gets it's natural carbonation. 

My SCOBY (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast)
The above SCOBY I developed myself. It adds on a layer or two every brewing. They can be separated and shared with friends or be used in your compost, eat or even feed to your pets. 

I have videoed a series of kombucha how-tos that I plan on posting along with a blog post over the next few weeks. Be sure to subscribe so that you will not miss them!

Now onto:

5 Health Benefits From Drinking Kombucha

Drinking 4-8 oz of Kombucha a day has so many health benefits. There have been many claims of kombucha being a miracle "cure all" from ailments such as the common cold to HIV to cancer! After you read the benefits that I have listed below, you will see why some of these claims make sense.

It has replaced my afternoon "coffee" or "sweet iced tea" break. After drinking a serving you will feel refreshed, energetic and at the same time, relaxed. You will feel recharged and ready to face the rest of the day. 

Everything I am sharing with you is from personal experience.
Disclaimer: The below information is not intended to be medical advise. Take what you can use, discard the rest. If you have serious health issues, be sure to consult a professional. 

1. Gut Health

Kombucha, having the perfect balance of beneficial bacteria and yeast, is packed full of probiotics. When you first start drinking it, you may have a tad bit of digestive distress, (I didn't, but some do) After a few days to a week, everything will be... consistent. Indigestion will disappear, and without going into too much detail, everything becomes consistent. 
I would not recommend it if you have any type of digestive bleeding or ulcers. Kombucha is acidic (starts out acidic and converts to acaline after you drink it) and you will need to discuss/consult a professional, with kombucha experience, before trying it. My husband has GERD and it did not bother him the one time that he drank it. The research that I have done concerning drinking kombucha if you have digestive issues such as GERD or diverticulitis, etc., is all over the page such as, it will either cure you or kill you. If you have a problem, find a homeopath, doctor, nurse practitioner, a professional of some sort who does have experience with patients who have the same issues and it was cleared up with kombucha. 

2. Boosted Immune System

People who drink 4-8 ounces of kombucha everyday seem to never get sick. This may be where cure for the common cold to HIV come in to play. Those who have been drinking kombucha regularly for some time have beneficial bacteria (for a lack of a better word) infused in their bodies. When a microbe with mischief intent enters the body, that beneficial bacteria will attack it and destroy it before the microbe has time to incubate and make you sick. My only personal experience with this is a few weeks ago, when school started back (that is when germs are just everywhere!) the glands in my neck swelled up and became sore. My throat was a tad swollen and inflamed. I knew I was coming down with a doozer of a respiratory infection. Then it was all gone. My body just shut down whatever was about to make me sick. You know what? I will take it!  I hate summer colds. I am in the deep south and it is hot! There is nothing worse than a bad cold in hot weather.

3. Lowers Cholesterol/Lowers Blood Pressure/Natural Diuretic

I really could not decide to actually label this particular benefit. You see, years ago I started retaining fluid. My cholesterol was fine. I ate right, exercised and have always had a low sodium diet. 9 years ago I started retaining fluid, bloating as in swollen hands/fingers, feet/toes. I also gained a few pounds. Fluid retention does that. I could still wear my clothes so I did not worry about it too much. Then 8 years ago I had a very mild heart attack. 5 months later I was diagnosed with an aortic dissection. My blood pressure was very high and I have been on meds for it ever since. I am still on a very low sodium diet. I have also been on diuretics... until I started drinking kombucha. Since drinking kombucha my blood pressure has lowered, my body stays flushed and my cholesterol has lowered, though it has never been high. The added benefit is, I am not getting leg cramps. Diuretics would give me severe leg cramps (yes, I drink plenty of fluids, eat a balanced diet and take supplements. I could exercise more....) along with restless legs. When I started drinking kombucha, all of that is stopped. I still have to drink plenty of water. 
If you dehydrate easily and start drinking kombucha, you will need to increase your fluid intake as well.
Keep in mind, if you retain fluids then your blood pressure will rise. As you eliminate unnecessary fluids from your body, your blood pressure will lower. This is one of the great benefits of drinking kombucha and it is sodium free!

4. Kombucha is Packed with Enzymes, Vitamins and Minerals

Kombucha is becoming a very popular post workout drink. It is full of vitamin B's, enzymes, electrolytes & minerals that get depleted while working out and without all the sugar & salt that is in your sport drinks. It will also raise your body's alkaline/ph level which is where I believe many claim that is will cure cancer. I have not heard any stories or know anyone who has actually been cured of cancer by drinking kombucha, but I do know that cancer does not thrive in an alkaline body and I know many people who are controlling their remission by keeping their bodies in a high alkaline/ph state with a great deal of success. If you are or have suffered with cancer, I am so sorry that you are having to go through this journey. Get with a professional who has experience with patients drinking kombucha and those patients going into remission. I would not recommend drinking kombucha if your body is compromised in any way except under the supervision of a professional. 

5. Detox

This is the last one I am going to tell you about and it is probably the very best! Kombucha will detox and I daresay, help repair liver damage. In 2005 my gallbladder was removed. It was pretty sick. I did not know about "cleanses", etc. at the time. I also did not know that the crud that makes your gallbladder sick backs up into your liver. At least in some people it does and I am one of "those people". Anyway, my liver numbers have not been good since. And I don't drink. 
Your liver filters everything that goes into your body. Whether you eat, drink, breath or absorbed topically through the skin. And don't forget, all medications, whether prescriptions, over the counter, etc. Everything goes through your liver. This can be metals, toxins- environmental-topical, inhaled or ingested. Excess fat also gets stored in your liver. When you eat a lot of sweets & starches, well what the body does not use for energy your body converts to fat and it gets stored in your liver.  If your gallbladder has been removed, bile can back up into your liver and solidify.  Kombucha detoxes and gently cleans your liver, slowly and gently. Breaking down what has built up, but should not be there and gently passing them on out naturally. This will allow your liver to begin to function optimally! 
My last blood workup was only 3 months after I started drinking kombucha. The liver numbers had dropped, a lot! Still over normal, but only a tad. I expect by now they are normal. 😊 And that is something to get excited about! A healthy liver makes everything else in your body function more smoothly. 

Other Health Benefits Of Kombucha

I have heard and read about, but really have no experience with:
Takes away the symptoms of arthritis
Cures cardiovascular disease
Helps with weight loss
Clears skin
And I am sure if given time for further research, we can all find more! 

What are your experiences with Kombucha? Be sure to post in the comments down below. 

Kombucha. One of those "little things in life". 

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to be taken as medical advice in any way. Please contact a professional if you are concerned with any health issues. 

Love y'all!