Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Delicious Old Fashion Lemonade

So what do you do with Lemons?  

Make lemonade of course!  

We are going into the hot days of summer and I can think of nothing better than an ice cold glass of fresh lemonade.  When I was growing up, this was a real treat for us.  That is, homemade, fresh squeezed lemonade. My mom would cook it on the stove, let it cool then add ice and water and it would be so good! And so much better than the store bought frozen concentrate or the powdered kind.  

Delicious & refreshing on a hot summer day.  

Here in the deep south, we really do like the summers and there is nothing better than sitting outside on the porch or next to the pool on an afternoon drinking a nice iced cold tall glass of lemonade.  Nothing better to cool you off make you feel refreshed!  

This lemonade is great to make ahead, take to an outing such as a family reunion or a picnic.  And it is wonderful to have on hand to serve friends and guests at your next BBQ! 

Below I have included the recipe.  I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do!  If you do make it, let me know.  I would love to know how you liked it.  ðŸ˜Š

Old Fashion Lemonade
  • 2 cups of freshly squeezed lemons (seeds removed)
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 - 2 1/2 cups of sugar (I like mine sweeter)
  • slices of lemon and/or fresh mint for garnish
  • 2 quarts of ice in a 1 gallon wide mouth plastic container
Pour water and sugar into a 2 quart pan and bring to a soft boil, stirring constantly.  (This is to make simple sugar water.)  After the sugar is dissolved, add the 2 cups of freshly squeezed lemon juice.  Bring back up to a soft boil and continue to stir for 1 minute.  Pour over ice in plastic or glass container, stir and add water and more ice to make one gallon.  Serve in glasses over ice and garnish with fresh sliced lemons or sprigs of mint.
Makes 1 gallon of delicious lemonade.


I thought I would also include a print/downloadable copy for you as well.  Just click on the link Old Fashion Lemonade Recipe.  

Remember, time flies!  Be sure to enjoy

The little things in life!


Friday, July 14, 2017

Fat is Still Fat!

Have you been as confused (and may still be) about "fat" as I have been?  When I was growing up, my grandmother lived with us.  Every morning she made lard biscuits.  She would also have a big platter of fried bacon and scrambled eggs (sometimes scrambled eggs and pig brains, yes, you read that right!).  By the way, those eggs were fried up in bacon grease. There would be a stick of real butter on the table, a glass of ice cold, whole milk at each plate, cream or lite cream (we now call that half and half) for coffee or just to pour over cornflakes.  My grandma would often have the box of corn flakes sitting on the table as well just in case we were still hungry.  And that would all be topped off with a jar of homemade jam, jelly or fruit butter.  I can still smell and taste it all!  My grandma believed in a hardy breakfast to start the day and hated it when all we wanted or ate was a bowl of cereal and milk.  Nowadays we would gasp at all the animal fat, carbs and sugar that was in that breakfast! 😱😱😱

So Many Kinds of Fats!

A few years later bacon grease, lard, butter and whole milk became taboo and we began to replace everything with vegetable oil, vegetable shortening, something called margarine and low fat milk, etc. That was "healthy".  I do not recall anyone talking about "quantity". Then as a young adult much of your vegetable fats and margarine was being tossed out the window and I started hearing about all the different kinds of fat. Your animal fats, your vegetable fats, saturated fat, trans fat, polyunsaturated fat, monounsaturated fat, fat from calories, low fat, high fat, good fats, bad fats, cholesterol, how our bodies metabolized fat...  It was enough to blow your mind! 😲😲😲

Follow the Money

In my younger days reports stated how bad animal fat is for you and the trend was to use margarine, shortening and cooking oil for everything.  10-15 years ago the reports stated our bodies were designed to metabolize butter, but not margarine.... And then there was a huge trend to start using olive oil.  More recently avocado oil, coconut oil, flax-seed oil and several others have become popular in food preparation.  A month ago I heard in the news that coconut oil has been deemed bad for us. That sounded odd to me.  While high in fat, coconut oil has many health benefits so why the bad "report card"?  (This report was put out by an organization that I have given a lot of support to in the last 6-7 years.) I made a mental note to be sure to research this, because it just didn't "sound right".  A couple of days later I get notification that Dani Spies of Clean and Delicious had just put up a new video on her YouTube channel titled "Is Coconut Oil Really Healthy?"  She had done the research (which I have since confirmed) and was willing to pass the information along to us, plus educate us on the healthy benefits of coconut oil.  Click on the above links to see the video and to visit her website.  (For more information on coconut oil you might want to check out her video "Coconut Oil 101".)  

Do your own research on the report(s) and follow the money.  And when ever you hear a news report on a particular product or food item, you might want to do your own research.  You may also find a case of "follow the money".  

So What About Good Fats and Bad Fats?

We have good fats and we have bad fats, but fat is still fat!  To give you an example, several years ago I was having a dinner party.  I had made up a couple of small dishes of olive oil (a good fat) with some herbs and garlic to be used for dipping french bread.  One of my guests exclaimed, with much excitement, "Olive oil!  It's a good fat! It's healthy for you!" and proceeded to consume one complete container (a little over 1/4 cup) with the bread.  Below is a photo of a label attached to a bottle of extra virgin olive oil I currently have in my cupboard:  

From my estimate, since there are 4 Tablespoons in 1/4 of a cup and 14 grams of fat per tablespoon, she consumed 56 grams of.... "good fat". (More math here... that is 480 calories in fat!) And that folks is when "good fat" becomes "bad fat" because fat is still fat! For an example, let's say I have a lite active lifestyle and only need about 1800 calories a day to maintain. 30% of those calories can and need to come from fat.  That equates to 60 grams a day. (That would be a total of 540 calories a day in fat.) Some of those grams can come from lean meat, etc, but a portion of those fats need to come from essential fatty acids (EFA): your omega 3's and omega 6's for cellular growth, repair and joint & brain health. When you eat more than what your body needs, it gets stored in your adipose (fat) cells. We also need protein to build, maintain & repair muscle. For an 1800 calorie diet you need about 136 grams of protein, ruffly 30% of your caloric intake.  Most of those calories will come from foods that contain what is considered your "bad fats". That would be your meats and dairy. Try to stay away from the fatty meats, chose instead the lean cuts. And enjoy dairy only in very small portions or as treats.  Nuts contain your "good fats" and protein.  Be sure to read your labels and be aware of your serving sizes and what those serving sizes contain.  More importantly, stick to a serving size portion.  ðŸ˜Š

Avoid trans fats altogether.  They would be in shortening, margarine, fried foods, processed snacks & baked goods. Really watch your fat intake.  Read your labels.  Keep a chart or a log of what and how much you eat.  When you chart it, you will be amazed at how much fat you really consume.    

Essential fatty acids (EFA) have wonderful health benefits and are necessary for good health.  In moderation they will lower LDL (the bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (the good cholesterol), lower the risk of heart disease, aid in cellular growth & repair, aid in fat burning, and the list can go on. Our bodies need these fats! And they are good for us.  However, be sensible.  Know your numbers. Limit your fat intake to 30% of your total caloric intake per day.  Fill up that 30% with as many EFAs as you can and remember to avoid trans fats.  Moderation is key!  Good fat can become bad fat if you get more than your body needs, because fat is still fat

I hope that you found this post beneficial and somewhat entertaining. I am amazed at all the research that is on the world wide web on a little thing like "fat". So much of it is scientific, but sometimes we just need to know the basics such as keeping your fat intake to 30% of your calories and avoid the foods with trans fats. That way we will be healthier and around longer to enjoy...

The Little Things in Life


Monday, June 26, 2017

Once Again, it Has Been A While

Hello Friends!

My last post was October 28th, 2012.  That is too long to be away!  I have really found the desire to blog again as I have missed it.

My Last Post Was...

October 28th, 2012's post was a "Blue Monday post".  My friend "Smiling Sally" hosted that blog post every Monday and I have loved participating in "Blue Monday".  When I became ill with cardio vascular issues in 2011, Sally was so good to check on me.  A few months ago, I wanted to "reconnect" with Bloggerville and of course, Sally was the first person I checked on.  I sadly discovered that in my absence, Sally had been diagnosed with cancer and has since left us for her heavenly home.  I never met her while living here on this earth, I do look forward to meeting her in my  heavenly home.  We will walk on the streets of gold, she will show me around, talk about books and the color blue and all it's beautiful shades.  I guess I will ramble on about everything else. :-)  To read more about Sally, you can go to her blog by clicking here.  Precious lady who is missed.

What Has Been Going On...

In December of 2011 I was diagnosed with a dissection in my aorta.  Though it had been there for a while, was still small, just getting bigger, causing all the pain I was in.  When I look back to all the months preceding, I see how God was in complete control.  A few months earlier I had what was considered a very very mild heart attack (AD's often mimic mild heart attacks, not sure if it was related or not.) The aortic dissection was there at that time, but not detected.  The only sure way to diagnose an aortic dissection is with a Cat Scan (CT) or an MRI, either one also needs to be done with contrast dye.  My only real symptom was high blood pressure.  The meds to manage that slowed the progression of the dissection keeping it from turning into a full blown aneurysm.

When I think of the "what ifs" I cannot help but think how good our God is.  You see, I had a photography business.  And it was labor intensive, plus the stress that comes with owning a business. I also taught anywhere from 2-5 fitness classes a week.  High impact step aerobics,  body sculpting with weights, pilates, senior aerobics, etc.  (I also battled migraines, which it seemed I had little control over, but I will talk more about them in a later post.)  You see, ad's have little or no symptoms. Yes, you might have some chest discomfort.  Pain that radiates to your back.  Actually feels like a the tearing of or a torn peck (pectoral muscle).  Depending on the location of the dissection. All easily explained away.  In fact, I later learned that the pain I was feeling when the heart attack was diagnosed was my aorta convulsing.  (Aorta's convulse when you have a heart attack.) The EKG indicated that I was having an heart attack and the cath lab found a t-niny little blockage.  I expect that John Ritter was experiencing similar pain when he was taken to the ER the night before he died. I think his discomfort was chalked off to being an angina or indigestion.  He died the next day on the set while filming an episode of  "8 Simple Rules".  John's wife, Amy Yasbeck has made inroads in her efforts to educate the medical profession and the general public in the diagnosis of Aortic Dissections in the emergency room.  As a result, many people, including me, are alive.  And I do thank God for her and her efforts.


To learn more about Aortic Health go to The John Ritter Foundation and be sure to read Ritter's Rules while you are there.

Now and Moving Forward...

We realized quickly that teaching fitness classes was going to be in my past. ;-)  And it did not take long to also realize that I could no longer load, unload, haul photo & studio gear and that I could no longer wrangle children in photography sessions.  Almost 3 years ago, I permanently closed my photography business.  God has given me the grace that I have needed to accept my "new normal" and be pleased/happy with it to glorify Him.  Also, in His timing, other opportunities for me to take advantage of has opened for me.  I have exciting plans for this blog.  Projects, health, crafts, cooking..... (I still love to cook and experiment in the kitchen!) and of course, there will be some photography! It is only a hobby now. :-)  But some of the photos may be... from my cell phone. LOL!  I am embracing the KISS method more and more.  I also plan to add a vLog to this blog.  

Toodles For Now!


Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's Been a While...

I have not posted to this blog in so long. For quite some time, I had lack of inspiration.  I have a photography business and just managing the website and blog for it keeps me busy.  I have also been ill.  God is very good and has blessed us so much.  I have shared this on my health and fitness blog and my business blog.  One day I will share it here.

We are taking life slower, enjoying the moments and looking for opportunities to serve our Lord Jesus Christ.

Edited to add...I am linking to Sally's Blue Monday.  :-)  

Container Gardening with Vegetables

I have always loved gardening.  We have a lot of shade and growing a vegetable garden is very difficult.  I decided I would try growing vegetables in containers.  We had fresh lettuces and greens most of last winter and spring.  :-)  Success!!!  I decided to plant lettuces again this year, only start earlier this time.  We are in the deep south, greens grow much better in our fall and spring.  In the late spring and early summer they tend to go bitter and burn up from the heat.  I purchased several lettuces, kale & broccoli.cell packs from a garden center and planted them in my large pots.
This a photo of one of my large pots, full of potting soil.  We have red leaf lettuce, broccoli & pansies.

Here we have kale (kale packs the most bang for the buck in nutrition!), romaine lettuce and some broccoli.  See my BLUE finial?  It will support the broccoli as it grows.  :-).  

I like to put a few pansies in my containers.  They do well through out the winter here.  It looks like someone else likes this pansy as well!  It is half eaten!

I picked a very large basket of romaine and red leaf lettuce.  I then mixed a couple of teaspoons of salt with some water in a large Blue bowl and let them soak for about 20 minutes.  This gets rid of any parasites on the vegetables and will keep keeps us from having a tummy ache.

Rinse and spin dry.

Chop, add any other veggies you have on hand, (I mixed in a large BLUE bowl) and add your favorite dressing.  (This salad has cauliflower, grape tomatoes, hoop cheese and apple pears.)


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Project Time! ~Tray~

Everyone else is posting Tablescapes, Holiday Decorating, New Years Eve plans, menu, etc.  Me, a project!  A craft!
In my archives you will see where I went 'thrifting' and found a silver plate tray.  And promised to post more about that tray in the future. (Tray in the upper left.)

Thanksgiving 2008 I displayed my faux turkey, leaves and gourds in it.

 Christmas 2008 I displayed my bisque nativity in it.

 This year it has under gone a transformation.

Here you see my price tag. $2.48. And I think blue stickers were marked down that day.

You can see there are spots where the silver has come off and a little rust has set in.

Primed with what ever I had that needed to be used up.

Added the color I wanted and an additional coat...

Then added a couple of layers of Chalk paint.

I dropped some chalk paint on the edge. When I tried to clean it up, I got this effect. Loved it!!! Added it to the project. :-) Aren't mistakes great blessings!

Hey, Alabama won SEC Championship and is headed to the Nationals! Merry Christmas will have to wait until next year.

ROLL TIDE ROLL! One more week!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

New Camera!

Favorite Candy in Stocking...

Ed got a case of his favorite candy. It would not fit in his stocking.

Favorite people.

New camera works well and this new movie was watched... many times! Cute movie!

Turkey Breast Pot Roast Yum!

With potatoes and carrots!

Steamy green beans with almonds!

Our favorite rolls made from a secret recipe ;-)

Ed in his party hat that came out of his party cracker.

For dessert, our favorite! Vanilla ice cream with Martha Stewart's Hot Fudge Sauce. Oh yum! And only about 1000 calories!

The Cannon G11 does a pretty good job! Of course, I would like to think that the photographer had something to do with it. ;-)

I hope that everyone had a wonderful and Merry CHRISTmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

During this time that we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I wish all of my friends in Bloggerville a very Merry Christmas!