Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Quick Meal Any Time!

This is just plain old scramble eggs and vegetables. Very healthy, very quick. And sticks to your ribs!!!

What you see here is a bowl of fresh tomatoes, spinach and mushrooms. You will need to wash and spin spinach dry and of course, wash the rest of your veggies and pat them dry as well. This can be done up ahead of time. You can also add carrots, onion, broccoli, what ever you might have in your fridge that you need to use up.

I eat egg beaters. I eat a lot of egg beaters. If you are not an egg beater person, just crack open 2 eggs. If you want them low fat and don't mind eating egg whites use 4-5 eggs and remove the yoke. If you are like me and have to have yellow in your eggs, include one of those yokes in your eggs or just go buy egg beaters (1/2 -3/4 cup for one person).

I use an iron skillet that was one of my grandma's. I love cooking in iron pot, pans and skillets. Spray the skillet with Pam, heat it up, add your eggs then add your veggies. You can add some low fat cheese if you like. Feta or goat cheese is good too! This is also a good time to add any seasonings like sea salt, pepper, garlic, etc. (BTW, those tomatoes will not be in that iron skillet long enough to make any difference...so don't worry about it.)
This cooks very quickly so be ready to stir and have your plate ready. It is literally ready in just a few seconds to a couple of minutes.

Plate it up and serve with a slice of whole wheat or Ezeikel Bread. Yum!!!


Unknown said...

Hi Missy,
The recipe looks great! I love things with eggs in them.

Deb said...

I really looks very tasty, I will try this very soon. I'm always looking for something quick and tasty. Deb

Martha said...

Yummmy. Looks good. Of course I would have to take out the mushrooms but the rest, my mouth is watering.

Missy Wertz said...

Wait until you see tomorrow's post. Oh, I will come by your site and tell you about it. Sewers eye candy... Found it at a yard sale!

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

Looks delicious!

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Yummy! Will have to try this! My Mama always made us "beef and eggs" when we were little and sometimes she would sneak in some veggies! LOL!

Donna Lynn said...

Beautiful meal, the mushrooms look divine, I am up for anything that has those babies in it!

Thanks for the quick and easy meal ideas, I am always looking for those!
Donna Lynn