Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blue Monday

Welcome to my addition to Blue Monday. Blue Monday is hosted by Sally @ Smiling Sally's Blog. Thank you Sally for hosting every week. We all really appreciate it.

This week I wanted to show you a set of salt and pepper shakers that I purchased at Monticello (Home of Thomas Jefferson) several years ago. I love them and use them next to my stove. And now that I look at the photo (I used one of my work cameras for this photo) I see all the grains of sugar that should have been cleaned off the hutch! LOL!

To see more Blue Monday posts or to participate in Blue Monday, go to Smiling Sally's Blog.

Happy Blue Monday! And thanks for stopping by.


Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Gorgeous salt and pepper shaker! I love blue/white dishes... so of course I would really like these!

It has been YEARS since I went to Monticello.... if i get back I am going to keep an eye out for those beauties!

Have a great day


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Melissa, these are so precious! I was so mesmerized by the blue and white cuteness that I didn't notice the grains till you said something. LOL! Great pic, by the way!

Happy Blue Monday to you...


Sheila :-)

imjacobsmom said...

You know with my eyesight I didn't even see the grains. Besides your S&P's are too cute I didn't even notice! ~ Happy Blue Monday! ~ Robyn

xinex said...

Those salt and pepper shakers are so cute, Melissa. Love them!...Christine

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

These are so sweet!

Heidi Pocketbook said...

What cute little shakers. My mom would have loved them since she had a lot of blue and white and liked teapots as well.

Happy Blue Monday :-)

SmilingSally said...

I love things like this that look like one thing, but function as another. PS, I see no flaws. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday!

Christie said...

Your salt and pepper shakers are precious...
Happy Blue Monday!

Anonymous said...

Very sweet set...Sugar on the counter, hmmm missed it till you said something!! LOL

JudyBug said...

Oh, you have made me so envious. I have always...I mean always...wanted to visit Monticello. I've never been to that part of the country and it's one of my dreams when we are both retired. thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I love that set. I've never seen one like it. I have always wanted to visit Monticello.

Kathy b

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Those are very cute s&p shakers, lol @ the sugar. My counters are the same way many times through out the week :0)

The Raggedy Girl said...

They are so sweet. I love that most of the things we have in our homes have little stories behind them.
Roberta Anne

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Just love these ..Thanks for sharing your Blue Monday with us..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Mojo said...

Meh. The spilled sugar adds character. Nice depth of field on this one!

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Those are very pretty!

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hi Missy! I really love your S&P shakers too! Blue and white and little teapots! Very sweet!

Carrie said...

The colors and design of the salt and pepper shakers make them really special. Thanks for sharing them. Happy Blue Monday!

Debra Kaye said...


Thank you for stopping by my blog today. So nice to meet you!

Love the salt and pepper shakers. Truly, beautiful!

Happy Blue Monday to you!

Sweetie said...

The salt and pepper shakers are beautiful. Now I am more determined than ever to visit Monticello. It must have been a wonderful experience. Happy Blue Monday!

akawest said...

What a wonderful reminder of your Monticello visit. I wouldn't have noticed the sugar. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Missy
Your teapot salt and peppers shakers are soooo sweet. I am so into teapots and also salt and pepper shakers...they are such a beautiful blue. I wonder whether how I "would do" with them..*s*.
Thank you for sharing on Blue Monday. It was so nice to have you visit too.
Come back again...often.
have a lovely evening

Carlotta said...

I love those shakers. I would be too afraid I'd break them.

Anonymous said...

Your salt and pepper shakers are very pretty and delicate. I can see why you like them so much. Happy Blue Monday!

Sherrie said...

Those are beautiful salt and pepper shakers! I've been to Monticello. It's a beautiful place. Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great evening!


Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Happy Blue Monday!! It is so nice to meet you. Your blue salt and pepper shakers are darling. Thanks for sharing.. Thanks for swinging in for a visit to see the silver lamp. Have a super evening.
hugs ~lynne~

Unknown said...

Hi Melissa,
I love the salt and pepper shakers! They are very pretty!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Oh those are just precious.They would go perfect in my kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Oh those are so sweet..... You know I adore that blue...

Stephanie said...

How darling!! And, lucky you for getting to go to Monticello, that must have been so great!

aka luluscottage

Nancy Rosalina said...

OH those are adorable!!!! I REALLY like them! Great find! Thanks for showing us. Blessings, Nancy

Blondie's Journal said...


I probably sound like everyone else but I love the S & P shakers & I have always wanted to visit Monticello since reading the John Adams biography. He and Jefferson had quite a rivalry & I'd like to learn more about Jefferson!

Ha Ha about the sugar on the hutch. Every time I take a picture I have to clean up or rearrange and re-shoot. Funny how the camera sees everything!!


niartist said...

These are gorgeous! I love blue and white, and just started a little collection. So happy to find these on your blog! A great way to experience blue monday! :)

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

When you get a chance please stop by my blog and pick up your award.


Have a great weekend!


Kitty Scraps said...

Hi Melissa,
Love your salt and pepper shakers, those are so cute! I've wanted to visit Monticello for years. Do you have any pictures to share from your visit? I totally would love to see them. Have a great weekend!

Bonita said...

I like-very much!

Kelli said...

What a gorgeous set, Melissa!
P.s. Thank you for the birthday wishes!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, Missy - I love these salt and pepper shakers!

Thanks for the kind words on the daygown!

~CC Catherine said...

Melissa, just dropping by to say hi! How did I miss seeing these adorable blue & white salt and peppers? They are precious! ~CC Catherine ;)