Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pillow Parade

Today I am also joining Kari & Kijsa's Pillow Parade!

To see more of the Pillow Parade or to participate, be sure to stop by there site! Thank you Kari & Kijsa for hosting.

I only found out about this late last night and did not have time to take photos. I had this photo in the archives. And it has to be one of my favorite decorative pillows. I bought it at Civil La Tea in Gettysburg, PA about 13 or 14 years ago. Someone made it to sell in their gift shop/boutique section. I fell in love with the pillow as soon as I saw it. I know it would be easy to make. I have made tons of pillows, but a girl can treat herself to something special can't she? :-) My mom mad the pillow that is underneath. I have a runner around here somewhere that matches.

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.

I hope that you go byKari & Kijsa's to see the rest of the Pillow Parade!



SmilingSally said...

I can see why you wanted to buy this one; it's so creative! (I had a pair of gloves like that for Easter.)

kari and kijsa said...

What a neat pillow- beautiful and we can see why it is a favorite! Thanks for joining in the parade!
kari & kijsa

Christie said...

Oh that pillow is gorgeous! So different. I love the doily and glove. I may have to use that idea sometime...I am lovin' it! The one your mama made goes perfectly with it too. Love your chair too! I have tons of pillows too. I wish I'd known about this pillow parade sooner...that's a fun idea for a post!
Big Hug,

Bo said...

Hi Melissa...what a darling & unique pillow you have there...so glad you pasted it! ;-) Bo

FarmHouse Style said...

Oh my, that is a lovely pillow. I can feel some creative inspiration coming on just looking at it:-)


Melissa Miller said...

It's gorgeous!

Deb said...

Wow Melissa! I love both pillows! Deb

Lulu and Co. said...

What a darling pillow, perfect in the chair!

Tiffany said...

Sometimes you just have to buy a pillow someone else has made. :)

Thanks for sharing!

The Raggedy Girl said...

Not only is it a brilliant pillow I think where you have it really shows it off and compliments the chair.

Roberta Anne

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Oh, I so have to try and make one of those. That is just too cute!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness, Melissa! If you're just going to show one pillow - this was it! How pretty! I may have to try and make one like this! It's so girly girly!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Picket said...

Love that pillow girl....it is so unique....the chair is gorgeous my friend! That idea was be beautiful framed...a pretty doily & a glove like that with some sweet fabric behind it...ohhh I have to write that down! have a great day my friend!

Free Art Printables said...

Very pretty!

imjacobsmom said...

What a uniquely gorgeous pillow - it really sets a tone! ~ Robyn

The Charm House said...

This is so stunning.... Thank you for joining the Pillow Parade and sharing your special treasure!! This pillow is so different!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

That's a great pillow! I also like the color/pattern mix you have with the chair and pillows.


Kitty Scraps said...

What a unique pillow and it's so pretty!

Anonymous said...

What a dear little pillow and the one your Mom made is pretty also...... that chair is just GORGEOUS...

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Definitely a unique and special pillow you have there. Looks just lovely on that wing chair.

debianne said...

So elegant. I think it speaks of a gentler time.

Hill upon Hill said...

It looks really nice on that chair.

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

never see a pillow with glove & doily stitched on it.. yours are pretty.. thanks for sharing & have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

That is incredible. What a unique idea, and it is just beautiful.

Thank you for sharing.

Heathahlee said...

That is such a clever idea! Very pretty, and your mom did a good job on the other one, too! : )

Blondie's Journal said...

This is one of the prettiest pillows I have seen today!! I can't wait to see the rest you have made. This Pillow Parade is a neat idea, isn't it?


Pearl Maple said...

Darling post for the pillow parade. Have really enjoyed your post, it fills me with renewed inspiration to tackle unpacking moving boxes and making this space a home.