Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More Smocking Convention Tibits

Smocking for Adults!
If my history serves me correctly, smocking started out as embellishment for the common workman's clothing. Mainly the over clothes used to protect his better clothing underneath and it was smocked to give it an ease. Then ladies began to smock their aprons and pinafores. Then children's, and so on. A master or wealthier shepherd, might have a smock to work in and a fancier smock for formal attire. Then smocking became more of a leisure art and a way to make a living. Worn by those who could afford it, or children who have talented mothers or grandmothers. Or, again, someone in the family who could afford it.

Well now it is becoming popular with adults again!

As I shared with you on my blog yesterday, my roommate at convention was Maja Clayton of Maja's Heirlooms. She designs beautiful children's clothing patterns of both classic and modern styles for the Heirloom and Smocking world. Below is a photo of her first adult pattern!

This is the adult version of the Elsa. It is an empire (are we still using that term?) bodice with smocking pleats across the bustline. Maja only smocked above and below the bustline. She added swiss embrodiered lace on the trim below the waste. It is a very nice pattern. My guild plans on making it as a program. I believe Maja used Amy Butler fabric in this piece, but someone, please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

The Elsa can be made as a top, a dress or a tunic to be worn over leggings.

Here is a close up of the band between the smocking and the bottom of the top.

Maja Modeling the Adult Elsa.
This blouse is back smocked just above and just below the bustline

Back view. (You can tell I did not think this out well.....)
An elastic casing is in the back to give ease.

Another view of the adult Elsa top worn by Maja, in a PortabellaPixie (Sandi Henderson) print marketed by Micheal Miller. This is one of the sleeve treatments Maja likes to use on the blouse. It has 'give' without being so full.

Here are several of Maja's outfits for children. The Pink and Brown is one of my favorites. It has an insert with a Frances Masina (sp?) Jones design smocked on it. I have that plate. Later on I will go look it up and correct this and give the name of the plate. I know some readers will ask.

The outfit worn by the maniquin in the back is Christi. Cute cute cute! And yes, Maja knows she needs to come out with an Adult version. This version of the Christi is the "winter/Christmas version". Change out the pants and you have a spring summer version. Cool huh?!? Hey make the most of the smocking while they can wear it.

"My Hope is Not in This World... or in thread or fabric or in..."

On Friday we have Market. Maja goes out to her van to take to the loading dock and find herself one of those 'Trolly Guys' (our term for Bell Hop) and this is what she finds.

Yes, her van has been broken into.

And though at first, she seemed a little stressed, she ate lunch. She has a really sweet spirit, b/c she took it a lot better than I would have. A true testimony to her Savior. Most people would have called it quits. But not Maja. She got her police report. Knew God had a plan for all of this. Stayed calm. Stated several times that (and I am sure we all would agree with her) she would not want to trade places with the person/people who broke into her van and stold her Ready to Smocks.

The bugurlars had really dirty hands. They left smudgy prints everywhere. Probably nothing that the sweet police officer could use. He said the prints were pretty smudgy. I felt like a CSI. He posed for me.

Isn't he cute? So nice, and sweet. No visible tatoos or body percings either. Very respectful to both Maja and me. The kind of guy your would want your DD to meet. ;-) Maja has a DD old enough... My only DD is only 10. I would have to wait a few years before I bring home a guy like that for her to meet. Since I did not get his permission to publish his photo.... it is a tad dark and a bit cut off.... on purpose. But you can tell he is a cutie.

All the burgulars took were about 2/3's of the 'Ready to Smocks' that Maja had made. They were out of Amy Butler and Sandi Henderson fabrics. Really fun today funky fabrics.

If they needed them and had asked her for them, she would have given the clothing to them. Smocked first of course. The officer believes the clothing will show up in the homeless district. Perhaps on a child, unsmocked with all the pleater threads showing and tied off.

Because of the way the van was positioned, etc, they did not have time to get inside to get much. They were either scared off or something. And we knew they had to be men b/c they left several bags of chocolates sitting right there.

There was messy glass everywhere.

They did leave the Maniquins! The left the Chocolate (that's how Maja and I know it was a man/men), they left patterns, store fixtures, Ginger Blousom Snippits kits, etc. Just took some ready to smocks and really messed up a window. And FABRIC! She had plenty to sell at market.

But as Maja testified "We live in a fallen world and my hope is not here, but in my Savior."
What a lady!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Smocking Arts Guild Convention Tidbits

Our National Convention was held in Atlanta, GA at the Westin Peachtree. It is the tall round building to the right. It used to be the tallest hotel in the world!

I am a little turned around in Atlanta, but I am heading in the right direction....

A better view up ahead on the left. It is missing a few windows. A tornado (the same one that hit the SuperDome a few blocks away) blew out many of the windows at the Westin and not all have been replaced. I have my trusty point and shoot camera in the front seat of the car and I am just shooting thru the window!

My first class on Wed is with Wendy Schoen. She is one of the best fine hand embroidery teachers I know.

We are learning 'Jacobean' Embroidery with 'Goldwork'. This is her sample piece in which she calls us up in groups to watch her demonstrate.

Her stitching is perfect. And she is fast! Her designs are beautiful. The class included a pincushin and embroidery scissors case. The needle case in the background is a different class.

If Wendy is ever in your area teaching a class or if you are ever in the Greater New Orleans area, check out her teaching/school schedule. You will not regret taking a class from Wendy.

Our convention planner takes very good care of us food wise. Look at this marvolous Ceaser Salad! And yes, it was as good as it looks.

And desserts!!!!!! Yum Yum!!!! Too much goodness!

And what do you do when you get too much goodness?

Enjoy a few bites then cover it with salt and pepper! Just in case you fall into temptation....
Now who was it that gave us that advice???? {tapping chin softly....}

Table decorations one day were the sweet smocked Wee Care/Preemie Gowns. Hundreds were made by members attending from all over the states and Canada, Australia (and I cannot remember if there were other countries represented or not.) The gowns were made by hand and donated to be given to the Greater Atlanta Hospitals and I think they were also going to be divided (one of you gals correct me if I am wrong with this statement) amongst the guilds represented to be taken back home and given to their local hospitals.

I have lots more to share. Tons more photos to download, etc. I have to share my roommate's (Maja Clayton of Maja's Heirlooms) adventure and her testimony that came out of it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday Video

Word of God Speak by: Mercy Me.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Smocking Arts Guild Convention

Oh man what a great time! I have seen Southern Matriarch (a few times) and plan (that is plan, may not do, we are busy busy!!!) to post some photos today!

Wendy, I have a friend who I am going to put in touch with you. She will get you in a smocking guild. :D You will love her she is a top artisan!

Almost time for class!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Project Time! Clipboard...

....tutorial. I am linking this with Just a Girl's I Can Make That Party. Y'all enjoy!

First you want to select the fabric and trim that you want to decorate your clipboard with. You will not need much. Make sure you have enough for the back and to turn up around the edges for 1 1/2". You will need at least 3 inches of extra fabric at the top of the clipboard.

Other supplies that you will need are scissors for fabric, scissors for paper, scrapbook paper and card stock. Clipboard, glue Mod Podge, and we may find we need a few other things as we go along.

Iron the fabric you selected. I rarely prewash, unless the fabric I pick is from my stash & was purchased during my "prewash when I walk thru the door with the new purchase" phase. But you do need to steam out any folds or wrinkles.

Add a few drops of water to your glue. But not too much.

With paint sponge, paint the glue onto the back of the clipboard.

Quickly position your fabric. Before you get to this point, you do need to consider a few things. The design of your fabric, who it is for, etc. This clipboard is for DD's piano teacher. I want to make sure a piano shows on the back. I also like to cut the fabric on the bias. But I do not do a lot of pulling and tugging to the fabric b/c it distorts design.

The diluted glue is forgiving to work with, so if you need to pull it off and do it again, you can. :D Don't do it too much though, clipboards are made of chipboard or something like that....

Using a boning tool or a straight edge (I am using a pencil) quickly rub all the wrinkles and air bubbles out of the fabric.

Clip some of the bulk out of the corners, put some glue around the edge of the clip board and
bring the corners in. Center the corner in first, then miter the rest of the fabric in and trim.

You will need a straight edge blade or zato knife to trim around the clip area.

You will need to get as close as you can. Mod Podge this area. It will keep it from fraying. And if you have any uncovered clipboard at this point, and it bothers you, just get some matching craft paint and cover it. No on will know but you. Then Mod Podge when dry.

I prefer flat embellishments on the back of the clipboard. I have made several. And bumpy stuff anoys me. This is grosgrain ribbon. You can use anything you have on hand.

Another thing to have on hand for this project is fabric glue. It is permanant and will not come off of almost anything so be careful where, when and with who you use it. (Ask me how I know?) Some fabrics and trims have sizing, or are made of polyester that Elmers and mod podge will not work on. Fabric Glue will work and work very well. It is not forgiving. So make sure you use it quickly and know exactly where you want it. No second chances.

While your fabric on your clipboard is drying, select your photos, crop and frame them on scrapbook paper.

After the fabric is dry, add a piece of card stock onto the top of the clipboard by painting the top of the clipboard with more of the slightly diluted glue. You may also have to use a boning tool or pencil to rub out any bubbles, etc.

Crop, glue and frame your photos with scrap booking paper and scrap booking glue. (I prefer the glue over the zots and dots. Zots and dots leave space. You do not want that. Then arrange your photos.

Using mod podge, paste the photos onto the top of the clipboard.

Because my clipboards get a lot of use and abuse, I Mod Podge the front and back. This preserves the photos and if 'stuff' gets onto the fabric, it just brushes off. (I got plaster of paris on one once. Did not realize it until it was dry. Brushed right off!)

Add any other embellishments that you desire. You can really get fancy with these. But I like them more simple. Silk flowers do tend to fall off. I do like to tie fancy yarn and ribbon in the clip portion of the board. They last forever.

Lovely gift for my daughter and for my daughter's piano teacher.

It is really very simple and fun. You can get carried away making them and they really hold up. Y'all make some and if I figure out how to do a Mr. Linky, I will do a Mr. Linky when I get back and we can share. :D

Next week, when I get back from my Smocking Arts Guild Convention, I will do the tutorial on the matching pencil cup.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Soccer Mom

Fun morning! DD had a soccer game. DH and I, as usual, were on the side lines taking photos. DH took a photo of me shooting.

Here is another photo taken by DH. DD is after that ball.

She scored 3 goals!