...about God, family, home, living and enjoying the little things in life.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
TableScape Thurs~The McLean House
The McLeans lived in Manassas, VA. He was a banker and also speculated in sugar. After the war started they moved to Appomattox, VA. History tells us it was because of 'business'. But there is also a legend that during the battle of Bull Run (Manassas), which was also the first battle of the Civil War, a cannon ball went through their Manassa home.
In their lovely home in Appomattox the kitchen was on the first/ground floor. The morning table setting of breakfast for the head cook, housekeeper or even Mrs. McLean would look something like this.
Mr. McLean would have had his afternoon tea set in his study much like this.I believe this is Flow Blue. I was behind a barrier and there was a big ranger woman watching me. I suppose she was afraid I would make off with the china....
On the ground floor, across from the kitchen, is the dinning hall. I bet there were many dances in there as well. I love those empire sideboards.... but this is about table settings. Mrs. McLean (or her servants) set a lovely table. And look at the painted cloth under the table. It is beautiful! Expensive for the day and forerunner to our vinyl tile.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. To see more Tablescapes or to Participate in Tablescape Thursday, go to Susan's blog Between Naps on the Porch.
VBS Crafts for 5th & 6th Graders
Since this was to be a pricey craft, we wanted it to be a "right of passage" for the oldest children. Most of them really enjoyed it. And did a fantastic job with their clipboards.
Here are some others that also have fabric on them.
Day 1 complete the back. Day 2 complete the front.
Because we had so many of the supplies on hand, fabric donated, this craft ended up costing about .80 cents per child. Not one you could do with a large group or a small budget, but doable if you work your plan right.
We had contemplated not doing the Ceiling tiles with the 5th graders next year, but cutting them smaller and, again incorporating VBS/SummerQuest theme, using it for a younger grade. However, I have a 4th grader going into 5th. And DH and I teach 4th graders. They are all 'abuzz' about getting to do ceiling tile painting next year....
Please let me know if you found these posts on VBS Crafts helpful.
I think the ceiling tiles were a hit! And we can give Glory to God!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Mosaic Crosses~VBS Craft
Down Under Puppet Craft
Even the boys!!!
This is an afforadable craft. If you purchase your felt by the yard and use a coupon (Hancock's, Hobby Lobby, Joann's...) you can get the cost to around 60 cents or so a child. 1 and 1/3 yard of felt will give you about 18 puppets.
For 2nd and 3rd graders, puppets are a great craft. A new pattern can be drafted every year to go with what ever VBS theme you have. Sharpies, colored felt pieces, even sewing can be used in the construction. It just depends on how much time you have.
Some of you have yet to have your VBS. If you are using Lifeway's Boomerang Express Theme and are interested in the instructions and pattern, email me through my profile and I will be glad to email it to you.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Crafts for VBS~OutBack Adventure!
For the past 3 years (I think) I have been craft director. A 'mega church' does not always mean 'mega budget' and we do have a few $$ to spend and we like to look for items that the children will enjoy making and not be trashed as soon as they walk out the door. SummerQuest is also for 1st - 6th grade. And additional challenge to find the right craft for the older children/tweens. And we had plenty of them this year!
Kits from the Craft houses are great, but expensive. Some children can complete them in 5 minutes and you still have to entertain them for 15 + minutes. If we find a craft that works, we will use it 2-3 years in a row. Some crafts we alternate. Some we try to work with the theme.
Lifeway had a great idea with the Praise Bells. We did use that one for both the 1st & 2nd graders this year.
To make this craft last 2 - 25 minutes tracks
we had them paint the outside of the pots the first day.
I think few found their way to the trash.
Also a little tip, we tried to make sure everyone wrote their name & Bible Study Room # on the INSIDE of the pot just in case the mom wanted to display or keep it for a keepsake.
Tomorrow I will post about our Kocoa the Koala Bear Witnessing Puppet the 3rd graders made.
I just realized I still have my Easter banner up. I think I need to work on a new one in the next few days.....