Yeah! Now I get to join the party and not be embarrassed by showing the vibrating infant pumpkin seat!
Southern Hospitality: What's your VERY FAVORITE thrifty find??After looking at all the posts on Mr. Linky on Rhoda's site I thought to myself, "I know I have something!" Then I remembered! In fact, how could I forget! B/c I have always been so proud of it!

My lovely silver plate butter dish. There is no stamp on the bottom. I have no idea who made it. It is lined with a removable glass dish. And I like that. I found it at On A Shoe String Antiques in Bluff Park. It was in the Caboose, where all the 'markdowns' go. Seems like I paid $5.00 for it. My MIL thought it quite a bargain. Especially after I cleaned it up with Wrights (needs it again. I just used a polishing cloth to photograph it for the blog...).

Here is a close up of the edging detail. Isn't the rose detail pretty? I just love this dish. It adorns my table whenever I have a dinner party. :-) I bought this about 15-16 years ago.

This compote I bought at the same place, On a Shoe String Antiques. It goes with some glass my mother gave me some time ago. She had started a collection for herself with that particular glass and just had a few pieces. Since she stopped collecting it, she gave me the pieces and thought I would have fun adding to the collection from time to time. As I find a piece for a fair price (bargain) I will pick it up. I honestly cannot remember how much I paid for this, but I have never seen a compote in this glass pattern before and the price was very reasonable. So I got it. The base is plaster of paris with sterling hammered and formed over it. Pretty cool and sturdy. The compote lifts out for cleaning and sets back in.
Those are beautiful pieces!
Beautiful! And isn't Wrights the best silver polish EVER? I've tried others and it's the only one that seems to do thejob for me.
Very nice pieces. I have several from my grandma and I will cherish them always. Thanks for sharing!
WOW...Melissa...these are JUST beau-T-ful!!
Melissa, I love your elegant butter dish and the compote is lovely.
I visited your photography blog, too, and was so impressed with all of your pictures. Those Ed took of the red flowers are breathtaking and your Blue Ridge photos are wonderful ... especially the cows!
We're going to spend a family vacation at Blue Ridge, Georgia, soon and I'm looking forward to taking pictures. Wonder if I can find those cows!
They both are lovely, but I really love that compote. Very different.
Those are both so pretty but I love that butter dish! For some reason, I have a thing for butter dishes. :)
That is beautiful!
Beautiful pieces my friend! Thanks for coming by to visit..please come back any time..hope you have had a great day!
I LOVE finding serving dishes at a bargain! It makes it fun and they become a conversation piece.
Thanks for stopping by mine & Christina's blog today.
I just love old silver, too. I even like to use some of the bigger pieces (trays, compots, candle sticks, ice buckets) with some tarnish on them! I do like to have my utensils polished! I don't have a butter dish--yours is a beauty and a bargain! Your compote is unique--I don't blame you for loving it! I see you are a fitness instructor. I'm always looking for new healthy recipes! I saw your smoothie recipe--yummy. My hubby makes us a protein shake (whey) nearly every morning--with whatever fruit is in season, if possible! It was great to meet you through Rhoda's blog!
I love both you butter dish and compote. I have a weakness for silver and/or silverplate and consquently have several tubs filled with pieces that need major polishing! My opinion is that you can never have too much glass and goes casual or elegant and the pleasure you feel is even better when it's a thrift find!
Those are beautiful pieces! I use Hagerty silver polish, but it's really stinky. I'll have to try wrights :)
The weekend is here ~I can finally make it around for Rhoda's party.
Better late than never!
I can't believe we are almost neighbors. How funny.
Great treasures.
I love your compote! Shoot, I love it all! Don't you just love a good antique store?
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