Yeah! Now I get to join the party and not be embarrassed by showing the vibrating infant pumpkin seat!
Southern Hospitality: What's your VERY FAVORITE thrifty find??After looking at all the posts on Mr. Linky on Rhoda's site I thought to myself, "I know I have something!" Then I remembered! In fact, how could I forget! B/c I have always been so proud of it!

My lovely silver plate butter dish. There is no stamp on the bottom. I have no idea who made it. It is lined with a removable glass dish. And I like that. I found it at On A Shoe String Antiques in Bluff Park. It was in the Caboose, where all the 'markdowns' go. Seems like I paid $5.00 for it. My MIL thought it quite a bargain. Especially after I cleaned it up with Wrights (needs it again. I just used a polishing cloth to photograph it for the blog...).

Here is a close up of the edging detail. Isn't the rose detail pretty? I just love this dish. It adorns my table whenever I have a dinner party. :-) I bought this about 15-16 years ago.

This compote I bought at the same place, On a Shoe String Antiques. It goes with some glass my mother gave me some time ago. She had started a collection for herself with that particular glass and just had a few pieces. Since she stopped collecting it, she gave me the pieces and thought I would have fun adding to the collection from time to time. As I find a piece for a fair price (bargain) I will pick it up. I honestly cannot remember how much I paid for this, but I have never seen a compote in this glass pattern before and the price was very reasonable. So I got it. The base is plaster of paris with sterling hammered and formed over it. Pretty cool and sturdy. The compote lifts out for cleaning and sets back in.