Friday, September 19, 2008

Ed's Grandmother's Trivets

I am participating in Kelli's of There's No Place Like Home Friday Show and Tell. {Click on this link to read more about it.}
Show and Tell

I took these photos with my trusty point and shoot camera. I think they came out OK? And a lot quicker to upload to my blog as well. :D

A few weeks ago, my FIL's wife gave me these lovely trivets. They were made by my husband's Grandmother. She was much loved by her family. And the lady knew how to use a needle. They thought I would appreciate them.

The top two were, I believe, made as pot holders. And must have hung in the kitchen. They both have a loop on them. The yellow orange (variegated thread) is the only one made like that. They are both smaller.

They had stains on them. I had to soak them in Sun (same as biz only cheaper) for several days. It did lift the color just a tad. The pink was darker.

This one was a tad more vibrant.

This one also had ink on it as well as stains. Lots of Grandmothers Secret Spot Remover and Sun. This one soaked over and over for days to remove all the stains. It did fade a good bit.

Mom (what she was called by her children, DIL and Grandchildren) was an excellent craftswoman. And she used excellent materials. These trivets were stored for decades with the stains. That eats away at the fibers in the textiles. (Textiles must be cleaned in like dove dishwashing liquid, rinsed throughly and packed away. All sugar and stains removed before storage.) I was suprised that the fibers held up so well to the soaking. They look just beautiful!

And doesn't it look beautiful underneath my Laura Ashley Teapot made by Stashfordshire?


Anonymous said...

These are special! Your tips for cleaning gave me ideas about cleaning old linens found in resale shops. I usually say no to them when stained but one could probably get them cheaper because of it. I also love the tea pot.
Thanks for visiting me. I grew up in Alabama as you know and spent the first 12 years of my marriage in the Birmingham area, a year in West End and the rest in Pleasant Grove. My daughter and I often spend one of our "camping trips" at the Winfrey and Galeria.
Mama Bear

Lisa Cobler said...

Those are beautiful! Love the tea pot to.

Deb said...

They are beautiful and it *does* look wonderful with your teapot. I bet you're so happy to have them. Have a wonderful weekend. Deb

Monique said...

Very pretty and such lovely colours. The teapot is gorgeous !!
Thank you so much for sharing and have a wonderful weekend !!

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

I love vintage crochet! Thanks for sharing!

Dawn said...

I have some red and white crocheted potholders just like yours. They belonged to my grandmother.

Beautiful teapot!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Very nice you got the potholders and they tea set is so cute.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! I love handwork passed down through the generations. I am so glad all the stains came out.

Susan said...

Those are all lovely. Glad you were able to get the stains out.

Tracy said...

They are absolutely lovely...a treasure for sure!

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Those are adorable! So glad that you were able to safely remove the stains. I think the fading gives them a more vintage look. No harm done! LOL! Looks great with your teapot too! And how special to have them.

Jean said...

What wonderful family treasures! Jean

Jen said...

What beautiful hot pads. They look great with the tea pot. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

It looks beautiful under that gorgeous teapot!


Grandma Faith said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog for a visit and for the tips for renewing vintage fabric items. The treasures you posted today are very pretty. Take care.

Nancy Rosalina said...

Those are so pretty and it's great that you have them! Nancy

Charlotte said...

These are beautiful. You patience in getting the stains out paid off. The teapot is perfect on the pink one.

Wanita said...

The trivets are beautiful, as is the teapot and cup and saucer.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a lovely weekend.

Ingrid said...

they wouldn't fit in my household at all, but with your Laura Ashley Teapot they are lovely !

Pamela said...

What lovely heirlooms and the pink and white one compliments your teapot perfectly.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I have some very much like those. I got them as a wedding gift. I think I still have all of them. they have been used for almost everything over the years. One thing we did with them that will seem really STUPID to you but we had fun. We would turn on the over head fan and then our family would throw them up into it...Fun..we have a crazy family but a fun one. I need to get them altogether and do a post on them for Fridays. Thanks for sharing and also thanks for stopping by..Sandy

American Homemaker said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog :)Your trivets are really pretty. I love handmade items.

Anonymous said...

What treausre those are, Missy!! They are beautiful to look at!

Kathi said...

Those are so pretty tivetts. It is so nice that they saved them for you knowing how much you'd appreciate them. I like your teapot too. Kathi

Kelli said...

What beautiful treasures, Melissa! The patterns are wonderful!