We have had a nip in the air. A smell of fall. Nice window opening weather in the early AM and late PM. Sigh. Now I am getting in the mood to decorate for fall.
This is a little start!

The pumpkins are from where else but... the $ Tree! The basket is an old silver plate basket that I have had and spray painted a few weeks ago. The frame is from "shopping" in my basement, spray painting and adding a glazed finish. Chalk board spray painted foam core, again found in the basement.
Make sure you stop by Kelli's There's No Place Like Home and check out all the other Friday Show and Tell participants.
I have been a little more inspired and went shopping.... well, after I went to my MS patient's house to do her physio-therapy/training.
I added a few photos of some more things that I have done today.
Today, I found this plate at Marshalls for 50 cents. It does not go with a thing in this house. But when I am done, it can be a starter of my new 'china garden'. :D

"What'cha do'in?" Zoey is coming into the room to check on what I am doing... (Off topic here-notice where the grout stain stops? and the messy job? Don't, don't leave supplies where precocious 8 year olds, who think they know it all, can get to the supplies. B/c of trying to fix her mess, I still have not finished restaining my grout... another post, another day.) I am not putting Zoey in the cloche.
I saw where Kimba (Soft Place to Land) made one of these and posted it on her site this morning. I was looking for one while shopping yesterday and Target had them for 29.99.... too rich for my blood... Especially when it might be in the Goodwill box next month! I had the finial from Lowe's sitting in a drawer- .20 cents. I received a 40% off coupon in the email box from Micheals yesterday. Vase came from there. 7.99 - 40% +9% sales tax. Little more than 5 bucks.

I love the shopping in your basement idea. I have a garage and storage area full of things that I forgot what I even have. So it's fun to shop with the things I already have.
Sometimes I pull something out and think how pretty it is or that I can use it. Then it sits around again until it ends back in the garage or storage area. LOL
But at least that kind of shopping is free!
You are off to a great start! I love it all! I love this time of year too!
Well.... little white pumpkins that you don't have to paint.... I don't get out much..... love your counter tops and back splash very pretty....I would LOVE to have granite....maybe someday...might pretty fall start...
Your cloche turned out great. Love all the Fall decor.
Hello I stopped by here from A Day in the Life of Ramona's blog. I made a couple of those cloches when Marie of Watch the Wind Blow By showed us hers. Aren't they the neatest?!?
Love your chalkboard and the white pumpkins....the white pumpkins seem to be big this year. I love them all no matter what color.
Hope you will stop by and visit me sometime.
You have given us some good ideas today. Thanks for showing and telling. Take care.
I like your sale price a lot better than 29.99. Your fall decorating has a good start. Very pretty. The bird is so cute.
Hugs, Jeanne
Very nice touches.
Gotta love the dollar store! All of your Autumn decorations are beautiful and I love the chalkboard, too!
Love the new cloche! I'm going to have to check out Michaels so that I can make a bigger one.
Great job!
Hi Missy,
I love your fall display - those pumpkins look adorable!
What a pretty Princess House vase. Amazing what you can find at the Dollar Treee, isn't it? They had some really cute little pumpkins and gourds this year. Kathy
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