Here is how we found him last year, the morning he arrived at our house. Already up to mischief! Snooping into DD's stocking looking for goodies. Up on the mantel is Jingle, one of DD's favorite plushes. He was keeping an eye on Hayward. When Hayward shows up, lot's goes on around here until he heads back to the North Pole.
Hayward shows up sometime during the night after we get our tree put up. Then, on Dec. the 23rd, he goes back to the North Pole so he can help Santa load the sleigh and hook up all the reindeer.
We need to make him a nice bed to sleep in. We are not going to have him sleeping with the American Girl Dolls. No siree! None of that around this house. And Jingle will keep a close watch on him to make sure Hayward behaves himself.
Hi Melissa! I've tried everthing I can to find out who Hayward is. I'm not able to get the picture you posted! But it's a lovely story anyway. I'll check back later to see if its come up. Deb
I wasn't able to see this little stinker either... love the story... I bet your daughter does too....
I can't see Hayward either...blogging isn't easy:)and sometimes this computer isn't my friend.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Yeah, I can't see him either. My kids are already asking when Mr. Snow will make his appearance and they are remembering all the fun things he did last year. He was very naughty but tons of fun.
Melissa, Hayward sounds like he would be a match for Annie! She's come to live at our house this year. I'm exhausted keeping up with her antics, and now she's taken to driving my husband's car! But I'm very thankful for her because she's a lot of fun. She was the star of my Thankful Thursday post.
Glad you had fun at Disney. Don't forget to add me twice to your drawing because I put a post up on my board about your drawing. :-)
Glad you're home safely...
Jingle and Hayward....oh how cute!
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