Sunday, December 28, 2008

Blue Monday

Happy Blue Monday Everyone! I took this photo the Saturday before Thanksgiving. A dance school client of mine was invited to bring her performing team to Walt Disney World to perform in the Tomorrowland Amphitheater that Sat before TG. It was all decorated for Christmas and Winter. And the girls danced and twirled to Christmas Songs and Carols. It was so much fun and exciting!

The school invited us to come down and take advantage of the discounted tickets. Park Hoppers were indeed a bargain! And DH & DD have been itching to go back to WDW so we jumped on the opportunity and were delighted to take photos of the team during their performance. I just love how the Blue Stage complimented their Blue costumes! (The school that performed 2 hours before did not have that advantange...) And also notice the coordinated jump! I am an excellent shot at getting those synced jumps. Usually, the girls are not all in sync (sometimes choroegraphed that way) when they are supposed to be in sync and they mess up my shot and their performance. You can tell they worked hard on making this one perfect! Not one girl left on the floor. :D My shot looks good. I think the reason I can get them every time is b/c I danced for so many years and b/c I shoot them so much. Instinct. I know when it is coming and I am ready to shoot.

I love the Blue and the Blue Background. It was not planned. But turned out ever so perfect!

For more Blue Monday Posts or to participate, go to Sally's Blog, Smiling Sally, by Clicking Here. Happy Blue Monday Everyone!


Kitty Scraps said...

Good Morning Miz Melissa,
I sure love the music on your sidebar, normally I don't care for music on blogs but when it's the opening music to one of my favorite movies, well, it's hard to resist enjoying it *smiles*

SmilingSally said...

Missy, you linked in with a link that takes people to Dec. 19th. I'll delete it, and you come on back and try again.

Kitty Scraps said...

Hey Melissa,
The song is Orchard House which was used in Little Women.. awesome movie if you've not seen it I highly recommend it. Although I've not read the book *for shame*! I've been meaning to add it to my must read should've read already list *smiles*

Anonymous said...

You truly are one of the MOST talented ladies I know...the photos are just amazing..... I know it made the girls so proud to see themselves in blue flight...
Love the "Somewhere in Time" music....

Deb said...

Hi Melissa! The girls look beautiful and your captured shot is spectacular! Bravo! Deb

jlshall said...

Great shot - they really do look like they're flying! And beautiful blues. Happy Blue Monday.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Great photos, Melissa! And I love their blue costumes. Wish I could have been in the audience! With this post, I guess I am in a way! :-)

Happy Blue Monday!


Sheila :-)

Anonymous said...

Now that's some fabulous blue for blue monday for sure! Great shot!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic shot.. Happy Blue Monday..I hope it's a great one.

akawest said...

Blue, Dance, and Disney are three of my favorite things. I wish I had been there.

Bo said...

Hi Melissa...the photo you took is as good as it gets! It is very pro looking... ;-) Bo

Sherrie said...

Awesome Shot!!! They are all beautiful!! Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great New Year!


Anonymous said...

Melissa, your photo is stunning with the girls and back drop, it's so perfect. How I would liked to have been there. Thank you for sharing this lovely scene in beautiful Blue.


Anonymous said...

Great photo...looks like you had a very entertaining day!
Happy New Year~

The Muse said...

oh there is some high stepping bluebirds...ah If only i could spin and twirl LOL

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Wow ! A perfect blue post . Great costume color and great pic !!

Neabear said...

You got an awesome picture. My daughter danced for 12 years including tap, jazz and ballet. I remember trying to get decent pictures during their rehearsals for upcoming recitals. It is a challenge.

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa
Well not sure what happened but only ? came in as your picture.
I'm wishing you a Happy Blue evening
Claudie from Canada

Kim said...

Happy Blue Monday! What a great shot--I can just see the energy coming from them.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo. Perfect for Blue Monday.

imjacobsmom said...

What a thrill for the girls! Happy Blue Monday! ~ Robyn

Anonymous said...

I like your blog