It was from Christie@ Somewhere in Time. I had just won her 100th post GiveAWay!
A lovely note and Christmas Card from her.
A Vintage Handmade Ornament

A Vintage Handstitched Wall Hanging

An Adorable Book Marker

A Sweet Vintage Elfin Ornament

A Vintage Cross Stitched Ornament

Cinnamon Sticks ummm they smell good!

Vintage Santa Cards

Mint condition Vintage Linen Dish Towel

Vintage Wall Hanging

Sweet Christmas book

Christmas Fridge Magnet

Vintage Christmas Apron
Thank you Christie!!! I love them!

A Vintage Handstitched Wall Hanging

An Adorable Book Marker

A Sweet Vintage Elfin Ornament

A Vintage Cross Stitched Ornament

Cinnamon Sticks ummm they smell good!

Vintage Santa Cards

Mint condition Vintage Linen Dish Towel

Vintage Wall Hanging

Sweet Christmas book

Christmas Fridge Magnet

Vintage Christmas Apron
And there was a lovely silver angel pin that I could not get the camera to focus on so I did not photograph it. But is is pretty!
Thank you Christie!!! I love them!
You're cleaning up in Blogland! It seems that you're winning something every day. Congratulations.
Wow! Melissa! You hit the jackpot with this! What wonderful things! Have fun with your treasures. How's our most precious little Diva doing!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
What a wonderful win! Congrats. The elf is cute!
How fun and what lovely things you won.... WOW you really did hit the jack pot...
Do you think the Elfins will get along?
Hey Melissa!
I am so glad you like the items and that they arrived safely....I hope you will enjoy them for years to come friend. Merry Christmas to you sweetie! By the way please call me Christie that's what all of my friends have always called me. My real name is Christina but I never was called that growing up, and when I am called that, I look around to see who people are talking to. LOL! Hope you have a great weekend and Very Merry Christmas.....God Bless you and your family!
Will do Christie! *Blush* certainly hit the jackpot!! These are the neatest things. I know you will enjoy them.
Another win, Missy?!! :) Those are such cute gifts!
Thanks for visiting and leaving the comment. I bought the stocking hangers in 2001. They were made by Virginia Metalcrafters, but they have since closed their business (too sad for me!)
What beautiful Christmas gifts! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Congrats...what wonderful Christmas goodies! Merry Christmas..cherry
Look at all your wonderful Christmas goodies!!!! Isn't it so much fun to win in blogland?!?!
Congratulations on winning! Looks like you got lots of wonderful goodies.
Wow, what wonderful gifts she sent you! I LOVE that NOEL wall hanging! The vintage dish towel and little elf are cute too. That was a fun give away to win!
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