Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Music Video

Mac Powell of Third Day and David DeVane, Minister of Performing Arts at Hunter Street Baptist Church along with a few members of the HSBC orchestra. I know I have featured this one before, but I love it.

Mac Powell and David Nasser did the Glory Reveal Tour together. David Nasser goes to our church. When the tour was in Birmingham, David invited Mac to come to church with him. Then he said, "Oh and we want you to do the special music..." Mac replied that he wouldn't be able something about not having his music back up with him, so on and so forth. David replied, "Don't worry, our people will back you up." Mac did not want to appear ungracious, but he has had less than good experiences...... David repied, "Oh you don't have to worry about that, our musicians are good, you'll see!" David Nasser is always positive!

To better enjoy the video, please turn the music on my playlist on the sidebar off.



SmilingSally said...

Special music! Thank you.

Cathy said...

That is a great video, Melissa. I may have to post it myself. Thanks for sharing it.