Thursday, February 12, 2009


The beautiful home of Thomas Jefferson. 3rd President of the United States of America. Author of the Declaration of Independence, one of our Founding Fathers.

Photo looking out the window of the Ticket House.

It was a foggy morning. A tad cool. I had just bought a new camera for work and was trying it out on this trip. DH said that he remembered me reading the manual in the car while we were waiting for Monticello to open. So, I guess these are the first photos taken with this camera....

Indoor photos were not allowed. Something about the ownership of all the antiques and furnishings in the house and contracts to include no images being taken, etc etc... But we were allowed to take all the photos we wanted of the outside. Lovely Bowling Greens.

There was a painter and a ladder on this porch. They were trying to get through before the crowds started coming around to take.... pictures! DD, DH and I all took photos and did an excellent joy shooting around the ladder and painter. Those columns are pretty big!

The flower gardens are so beautiful. Jefferson grew many many varieties of flowers and plants. (I think this is Joe-Pye Weed in the foreground in this photo.) In some areas, the lighting was bad, so I chose not to take photos. But it was fun to get photos with fog.

The pond looks like a looking glass. Very pretty.

One of Jefferson's vegetable gardens. The building to the left was one of his offices. He was very 'hands on' with all of his work. He would spend hours with his work in that room. And who could blame him? Look at that view!

Jefferson's favorite food was peas. He grew 28 different varities on his farm.

This is where his body lays at rest. And I have no idea why I took this photo in Black and White except I had a new camera and was experimenting. LOL! And was at a graveyard.

Monticello, a beautiful place to tour, visit and spend a day. Learn about our history and about one of our Founding Fathers. A great leader of our nation.

They have a great gift shop, garden shop, hiking trails, etc. We have always planned 1/2 day there. To enjoy it fully, you need to plan on 3/4 to a full day.

Thank you Kelli for Hosting Friday Show and Tell every week. To participate or to see more Friday Show and Tell posts, go to Kelli's blog-There's No Place Like Home.

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!


Lianne said...

These pictures are great! Some of them don't even look real. I would love to go visit Monticello. Thanks for sharing.

Bo said...

Hi Melissa...wonderful photographs...and I think the black & white of Jefferson's gravestone looks very appropriate!
;-) Bo

SmilingSally said...

When I was a child, I visited Monticello; it is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Happy Show and Tell Friday!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

This is THE place I've always wanted to go! I have several books on Monticello especially the gardens. I find Jefferson and his interest in agriculture fascinating! I even have a book that's a record of what he ordered - like a househole receipts book. Your pictures are great!


Carrie said...

I enjoyed this tour of the beautiful grounds at Monticello. Thanks for sharing your photos.

Ingrid said...

A beautiful place and certainly interesting !

American Homemaker said...

That looks like so much fun! I'd love to travel... we never go anywhere!

Anonymous said...

Wow that new camera is great..... of course it is in expert hands... I would LOVE to go there..... he is a very interesting man..... and what a GORGEOUS home....
Love the photo of DD and hubby first walking in.... precious

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Great pics and I really like the B&W of the tombstone. Happy Valentine's Day!

Susie Homemaker said...

I have always wanted to go to Monticello and now after viewing your beautiful pictures I want to more than ever.

Thank you for sharing,

P. said...

It's really nice and your pictures are beautiful.


The Raggedy Girl said...

What a lovely tour. I have never seen this place, so thank you.
Roberta Anne

Candy said...

Visited there several years ago, thanks for refreshing my memory.
Enjoy your day, Candy

Kitty Scraps said...

Oh Melissa! Thank you so much for going to all the trouble of finding and posting your Monticello pictures! What a treat for me to see a place I've wanted to visit for years *smiles* I especially like the picture of your dh and dd walking thru the shrubbery with the home in the background! How cool! I wish I could take pictures like you *green with envy* Again, many thanks for sharing them with all of us. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Karen said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I really enjoyed seeing your pictures of Monticello. We went there several years ago, so it was nice taking another tour by looking at your pictures. Thanks!

Cass @ That Old House said...

Wonderful photographs of one of our favorite places.


Cass @ That Old House said...

Wonderful photographs of one of our favorite places.


Heidi Pocketbook said...

I really enjoyed the tour. Your pictures are wonderful--they nearly jump off the screen.

Have a good weekend :-)

Lisa Cobler said...

Monticello is a beautiful place. It's not a long from us but we haven't been in years. Your photos are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa ~ I LOVED visiting your blog for the first time and seeing your photos! I especially enjoy the gardens at Monticello - we're only 45 minutes from there and have taken many visitors who come to see us. I love it when the county features a buy one get one free admission ticket for residents. :)

All your photos are WONDERFUL. Clear, crisp, bright. Love them!

Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...

Great photos. I have never been there so thanks for the tour.


Susan B said...

Thank you for the tour! Beautiful photos. It is a lovely home and gardens. My parents visited there a few years back. I hope someday my DH and I will be able to visit. Thank you again!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Great Monticello tour with great photo's too! Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day!

Heather said...

what a fun tour. you have great pictures!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I went there many years ago. Your photography is beautiful and brought back memories.

Thanks for sharing.


carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Looks like a wonderful place to visit. And so big! But what can we expect from a former President? Maybe one day I will get to see it in person.

Havae a great week!

Carla said...

This is a place I would like to visit, and spend a full day. Your photos are beautiful!

Christie said...

Hey Melissa,
I did so enjoy this beautiful place....thanks for taking me along with you! Your photography skills are amazing.
Hope you have a great day!
big hug,

Nancy Rosalina said...

Melissa, that is a beautiful place and those are gorgeous pictures!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Missy... I am envious you got to go to Monticello. We stopped by Monticello very briefly a couple of years back on our way to Williamsburg, but didn't get a chance to tour the grounds. Beautiful photos - especially the botanical ones.