I could not find black candle sticks like I wanted, so I went to Michael's and bought some wooden ones. Then I painted them...several times.... until I got the look I wanted. The cream coloured candle sticks were sitting on a clearance shelf at Hobby Lobby and were calling my name. I bought them. (I have another on the Piano, it is larger.) I think I paid 2 or 3 dollars apiece for them. The faux pewter candle stick is a Dirty Santa gift that I knew would be perfect for that spot and I waited.... and when I saw my chance, I stoled it when I knew it would be retired to me!
I am a professional photographer and the photos I took myself. (Sorry about the glare in the glass of the large photo, no time to photo shop!!!) The small one is of my DD in her Baby Dedication Gown. The larger one is DD in her Heirloom Party Dress. Both photos are hand tinted black and white photographs. To see more of my work, go to my website Images by "Missy"
The snuffer is from Wall*Mart and I paid waaaayyyy tooo much for it. But it worked and the only one I could find that was black.
Tea Pots (How I love tea pots and coffee pots....sigh) The one on the left is a gift from my In Laws and I think they got it at an antique shop in New England. The tea pot on the right is a gift from my sister in law and goes in any room (except DD's) in the house. And I just love it.
The ribbon is ribbon I buy by the rolls to decorate for Christmas and wrap Christmas packages with. I left it on the tea pot handles and candle sticks because it goes with my decor and I like it. I did take down my tree. ;-)
I am proud of the balanced achieved. It is difficult for me and I tend to fret over it. I can see it and photograph it instinctively. But designing it is a different altogether.... I guess that is why there is always a 'designer' assigned to a photographer. LOL!
Now to get busy! We have a birthday weekend for Mary Esther! She has two piano concerts as today is her last day of piano camp. (Hopefully will post photos.) She has a solo this afternoon and an ensaumble quartet tonight. It will be fun! Out of town company, a cookout..... We are going to have FUN!