Showing posts with label Outdoor Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outdoor Wednesday. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday-Daylilies

Good Morning! I hope that everyone is having a great day today. Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday hosted by our sweet Susan from A Southern Daydreamer. I took these photos of daylilies a little over a week ago while vacationing in Williamsburg, VA. They are planted in the garden right behind Raleigh's Tavern Bakery. I love to go there to eat a Ginger Cake and drink some Apple Cider. Yum! What a treat!

The sun is hot, but the beauty of Photoshop is, you can adjust that. :D

As you look at the photos, observe all the different prospectives the daylilies were photographed.

Look Around to see what other elements you can include...

Don't forget the other side of the garden. You can get a different prospective of light.

Y'all know, I love those close ups and micros...

I hope you enjoyed the photos! Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to post a comment.

Thank you Susan for hosting Outdoor Wednesday. To participate in Outdoor Wednesday or to see more Outdoor Wednesday posts, please stop by Susan's blog~ A Southern Daydreamer.

Hugs & God Bless,

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Neighborhood Walk-A-Bout

For Outdoor Wednesday, I wanted to share with you some photos I took on a walk Memorial Day Morning. It was cool, humid, and in between showers. Lovely walk.

Thank you to Susan from A Southern Daydreamer for hosting Outdoor Wednesday every week.

I first made a few photos of flowers in my yard...

Lovely Star Gazers. I just love these lilys. I must plant more this fall.

It was raining when we woke up this morning. I love the water droplets that the rain left all over the flowers.

A pretty snap dragon looking flower that I planted from seed for my grandma. She lived with my mom and was not able to plant her garden the last year she was alive. DH and I were engaged at the time. We planted her garden for her. She asked me to plant these flower seeds for her. She died a few months later. My mom later had me bring some of the plants to my house. They come back every year. I have no idea what they are called and have not had any luck finding out.

Anyone else know? They are pretty. They bloom in the spring and in the fall. Reseed and seem to be either a biannual or a perennial. They replant well. Rarely bloom in the heat of mid summer. But as the temps warm in the spring or cool in the late summer/early fall, they begin to bloom again.

Now for the walk....

Don't you just love Magnolias? I do.
And here in the Deep South, the trees are full of their blooms.

I love the center of this one.

Pink Lemonade Honeysuckle is a popular site around mail boxes. I have never tasted the nectar of the blooms. I wonder if they taste as good as the regular wild Honeysuckle?

I just love Hydrangeas, don't you? I have tried growing them many times, but the voles (a mouse looking critter) and moles keep eating the roots. So I have found it is cheaper to enjoy the neighbors.

And back home again in my own yard...

I do not remember what this is called. I mail ordered it at least 16 years ago. The name is in one of my garden journals, that is when I kept garden journals.... The root goes to China. I love the flower. Very hardy perennial.

I hope you enjoyed my walk. To participate in Outdoor Wednesday or to see more Outdoor Wednesday posts go to Susan's blog A Southern DayDreamer.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday

I am eager to spend more time up in the Blue Ridge Mountains. For us in the Deep South, it is summertime in June, but there, it is still spring. Hey, this Deep South gal packs long johns for that trip. LOL!

I love it because...

The Daises pose...

The cows pose....

The moths...

and butterflies (or maybe this is a moth as well) pose for photographs....

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. To see more Outdoor Wednesday posts or to participate in Outdoor Wednesday, stop by Susan's blog, A Southern Daydreamer. Thank you Susan for hosting another fun Wednesday!

Have a great day!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday-Snow in the South!

Today is Outdoor Wednesday hosted by our sweet Southern Day Dreamer~Susan. Thank you Susan for another fun Wednesday!

We do not get much snow in the South. When we do, or if it is even predicted, the weather men/women are on 24 hours in advanced trying to predict where it will land. A lady at church winters down here from Michigan. She thought this was the funniest thing! "James Spann our weather man was serious b/c he had his suspenders on!" 24 hour coverage for snow melted by 2 pm. LOL! Well it did last a little longer than that. But I did explain to her and I will explain to you Yankees, our kids have never seen much more than flurries or dustings. This is the first time DD has ever made a snowman. She is 10 1/2. It was so much fun for her. People around here want to know where the snow band will land b/c they will even drive their kids to the outer edges of it, pull over and play in it for a while. And this was a good kind of snow. We had electricity, it did not stick to the roads (well, interstate bridges did freeze...), and was mostly melted by sundown. It was GREAT!!!

Now for photos! (I did not get many b/c we teach 8:10 4th grade Sunday School at church and we had a room full on Sunday!) The snow was already melting by the time we got home.

My Camelia in full bloom and melting snow falling off as I was snapping....

More photos of my Camelia, it is beautiful with the snow...

DD and I have started on a gnome fairy garden. It is in the shade and I had to knock the snow off this little gnome so that you could tell what he was... None of this had melted.

This was covered in white snow as we left for church, but still looked nice when we got home.

For more snow photos, check out my Sunday's Post. For more posts on Outdoor Wednesday or to particiapte in Outdoor Wednesday go to Susan's blog A Southern Daydreamer.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday

Today is Outdoor Wednesday hosted by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer. Thank you Susan for hosting!

Here, I happened to be at the right place at the right time. I call it my 'Farside' photo. This photo was taken on one of the jungle treks at WDW in Animal Kingdom.

To enjoy or to participate in Outdoor Wednesday, please go to Susan's blog A Southern Daydreamer to see all the beautiful posts!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Flowers for Outdoor Wednesday

I don't know about y'all, but I am beginning to long for spring. Thank you Susan of A Southern Daydreamer for Hosting!

To see more Outdoor Wednesday posts or to participate, go to Susan's blog-A Southern Daydreamer. Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!