I have only been blogging since the summer, but I have gotten so much inspiration. And learned a lot! And enjoyed sharing what little I know.
Crock Pot Turkey Breast Roast. That is good too!
Grilled Tuna Steaks, Sweet Potatoes and Asparagus
I think the rest of my food is on the external which I have disconnected....

Huge wicker basket Thrift Store find. I think $4.25. It will be a parrot poopy perch. (Cheaper than Michael's 1/2 price!!!)

Linen piece found at the same Thrift Store.
Other Thrift Store Finds. Doilies are in my linen chests until after Christmas. Silver tray, see photo below. Also scroll down a few posts and see a Nativity displayed on it. I think I paid less than 5 bucks for that thing. Candle sticks are in my bedroom, white thing painted black and on front stoop with flower pots in it, baskets put to good use around the house.

Thanksgiving Decor.
I found this tired old Chandelier.

And it was just what I was looking for! Now it has prisms hanging from it. (I need to take a new photo.)
Crochet Doilies and Trivets made by my DH's Grandmother.

Recycled stuff from my basement. Old frame spray painted then glazed. Foam core sprayed with Chalk Board Paint.
Old Silver Plate Wire basket primed and spray painted to go with my kitchen.

Homemade Cloche.
Another Homemade Cloche filled to the brim with gourds.
Princess House Crystal Vase with Pine Cones and gourds.
And I am looking for a lid to one of my favorite tea pots. I broke the lid a couple of years ago. But meanwhile, it makes a great flower vase!
Beautiful almost flat clear soup bowl. I want to use it in my china garden. That is what I bought it for. But... It is so pretty!
Clipboard Craft makeover. Makes great gifts for teachers, co-workers, students, etc.

One of my Trash to Treasure features (made from a sneaker box that you would throw away), an Elfin Bed. Fit for any Elfin Prince. Or one coming to visit from the North Pole for a few days.
I enjoyed sharing some of my review with you. Look forward to looking at yours as well.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!