Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hayward is Coming...

Here is how we found him last year, the morning he arrived at our house. Already up to mischief! Snooping into DD's stocking looking for goodies. Up on the mantel is Jingle, one of DD's favorite plushes. He was keeping an eye on Hayward. When Hayward shows up, lot's goes on around here until he heads back to the North Pole.

Hayward shows up sometime during the night after we get our tree put up. Then, on Dec. the 23rd, he goes back to the North Pole so he can help Santa load the sleigh and hook up all the reindeer.

We need to make him a nice bed to sleep in. We are not going to have him sleeping with the American Girl Dolls. No siree! None of that around this house. And Jingle will keep a close watch on him to make sure Hayward behaves himself.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bookworm Award!

I have been awarded the Bookworm Award from Jan at Jan and Tom's Place. Now fortunately, the rules are not intellectual, spiritual, etc. Not really hard! All you have to do is pick up the closest book to you, turn to page 56, go to the 5th sentence and type it. Then pass the award along to 5 people! :D

Here we go, y'all ready!

by: Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black

"The sword was lying on the bank, where Jared had dropped it."

I pass this award along to the following 5 people:

1. Queenie-Somewhere in Time (Private Blog)

2. Martha-Southern Matriarch (one of the 2 people I blame my blogging addiction on...) LOL Just kidding hon!

3. Pam-Sew Gracious (one of the other 2 people......) LOL Just kidding!

4. Linda- Blue Gate Blog

5. Wendy- Ivory Spring

Thanks Jan for the award!

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Give-A-Way

Did I say I would post a Give-A-Way today? I did didn't I. If you are here for todays Blue Monday Post, you will need to scroll down to the next post. :-D

Drum Roll Please.....


It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

2 lovely Holly and Berry Snack Plates with Matching Mugs. (I ordered several sets of these plates/mugs last year. One set for me, and a couple Dirty Santa Gifts and such. They did not arrive in time for one of the parties we went to and I saved it for this year!
I call it my Santa Snack Plate and Mug. :0))
A Cute Christmas Tree Ornament I purchased from our newly opened Garden Ridge Shoppe.
And the snack plates will be full with the bag of soft and chewy chocolate chunk cookies, I also found at Garden Ridge. Yum they look so GOOD!!!
I also found the cutest Christmas Dish Towel at Big Lots. It has a recipe for Santa Cookies and a Santa Cookie Cutter attached to it.
That is just in case you run out of those Chocolate Chunk Cookies!

Winter has come early to the South this year. I am sure it is that way everywhere.
So I am filling the mugs with ingredients for Snowman's Soup!
Good anytime, but especially on a cold night.

And in the spirit of Bloggerville thriftness, I found this little Santa Tree, new in box, at the local Goodwill Thrift Store. I think he is so adorable.

Rules for the Give-A-Way
  • Live/Ship in the 48 US
  • Comment to this post between now and Thanksgiving Day. I will cut the time off at 6:00 PM Central Standard Time
  • Drawing will be Thanksgiving Night or Friday Morning
  • Post the Give-A-Way on your blog, you will receive one extra entry.
  • Post the Give-A-Way on your sidebar you will receive one extra entry.
  • Anonymous and non bloggers may post to enter, but make sure you leave your email addy! I must have a way to contact you!
Good Luck!!!

Blue Monday

Thank you Sally for hosting Blue Monday! To check out more Blue Monday posts, go to Sally's blog, Smilling Sally.

I WON! I WON!!! I won a Beautiful Blue Clock from Kimba's Site! She is promoting Mom's Businesses

and is featuring a GiveAWay every few days. One Etsy shop she was promoting is Bode22 owned by Meg (I think Meg is sold out of clocks right now... her shop is empty! I hope she is making more!) and here is Meg's blog. In reading her blog, I think she is busy!!! And with these adorable clocks, I see why!

Dosn't this clock look GREAT next to my yellow wall?

I just love this shade of blue! I love this clock!

Thanks Mel and Kimba! To check out

and GiveAWays, go to Kimba's blog.

The Mom Unite tag is Blue too!!!
Sally, thank you for hosting Blue Monday!!!
And allowing me to show off my new Blue Clock!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Video

Dedicated to all of the Birth Mothers out there. You are loved and cherished more than you can imagine.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

100th Post!!! And My GiveAWay!

In the tradition of Bloggerville I am having a GiveAWay!

A Beautiful Timneh African Grey

She comes complete with cage and toys... Your children will even fit in there.
And... she is fully perch trained (in dog terms-house broken. She will not poo in her cage. And rarely on a person or anywhere, but on a perch!)

Loves children and loves to play.

Loves kisses...yuck!!! Prefers frenches! Makes me sick to my stomach.

Awww, just kidding! I could not give away my Zoey girl! I love her too much! I will just have to keep her. (OK honey, stop your Snoopy dance.) DH and Zoey do not always get along. I will need a different GiveAWay. Y'all be sure to come back on Monday and I will have my GiveAWay posted!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Two Great Give-A-Ways

Check out my Photo Blog (right side bar) for my Friday Show and Tell.

I wanted to tell y'all about two great giveaways going on right now.

First, Sally at Smiling Sally is having a Merry Merry Christmas giveaway. Click here to go to her blog and register.

Second, The Old Red Barn is having another quilt giveaway. This time it is 3 quilts! Click on the picture to go to Dana's blog to register.