Pink Saturday
It is Pink Saturday hosted by How Sweet The Sound. Here is my Pink photo of the day.
It is a Pink depression glass cabbage rose bowl. My mom gave it to me when we 'downsized her'. (she gave me a few other pieces as well, but I will save them for another post.)
And guess what? I think it goes perfectly with the pink rose that is in my Eastfair by Noritaki stoneware. :-) Don't you?
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great and blessed weekend!
Gorgeous bowl! I love pink glass but I don't have any...yet... ;o)
That bowl is heavenly! Delightful, subtle pink!
The bowl does look beautiful with your china. I love depression glass. I tried to sell it in my store but found I just couldn't part with it so I kept it. I am so bad!
I love Pink depression glass. Your bowl is beautiful and I do think it goes well with the dishes!
Hi Melissa :)
Beautiful bowl made even more special because it was your moms' :)
Happy Pink Saturday, Melissa.
Your pink depression glass bowl is lovely, and such a wonderful treasure. I does match your pattern perfectly.
Hello Melissa, Your depression glass bowl is so pretty. It is more special because your mom gave it to you. Yes, it goes very well with your dishes. Beautiful pattern.
Hugs, Jeanne
I love depression glass and that bowl is a beauty! Your dinnerware is so pretty, too. Have a great PSat. Dana
I really like that bowl. I would love to have one like that. I have a similar looking clear bowl but the pink is much prettier!
Happy Pink Saturday!
take care,
Have a Happy and Bless Pink Saturday. Virginia
I love that pink is just beautiful.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Cute treasure!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Besitos from Argentina!
Hello Melissa!
Happy Pink Saturday! Love your pretties and they match well!
Happy Pink Saturday.
What a beautiful pink bowl!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Love, Ann
Hi Melissa,
I love pink depression glass. Can't wait to see more of your collections.
Hope you have a wonderful day! It is a wet one here! LOL
yqdxvhmdtnHi! so cute
have a nice pink weekend!
visit me anytime....
I love pink depression glass too. How neat to have a piece that was your mothers. Happy Pink Saturday!
I have always been a fan of pink depression glass!
Hey Missy! Thank you for visitng my blog. Yes, I am a Bama Girl too! I am close to Columbus, GA right on the state border. Not sure where your town is, but I am going to look it up on mapquest. I have heard of it though.
I see that you are a photographer. How cool!
Please come visit me again. I am adding you to my blogroll! :D
Have a great rainy weekend!
Very pretty depression glass! Happy Pink Saturday!
Very beautiful bowl !!! Happy Pink Saturday.
I love pink depression glass..and yours is just stunning! How wonderful to have one from your mom!
Gorgeous! Who doesn't like depression glass?! It goes with everything I think, lol...
Glad your mother gave it to you.
I've never done Pink day, but see alot of people who do!
Love the tea pot collection - I'm a tea person, too.
How beautiful! I also collect the open rose Mayfair pattern mostly in the blue, but I have a few pink pieces too! I've always really loved depression glass! Love that pitcher too! Happy Pink Saturday (a little late here).
Hi Melissa - I just posted a comment below on S&T - I don't know if you check back or not.
Me again! Believe it or not, my dad built this church back in the early 70s when he was the pastor. We were supposed to be married in it, but delays happened and we had to be married in the old, really ugly, building - with the pews having been bought by a little Baptist church in Denver - oh, my, I have blogged about it. But it has lasted 35 years, so I guess it's okay!
Morning friend! That is a beautiful pink bowl and I love it with that other piece! Thanks so much for coming by.I really appreciate it and all the prayers that you guys have lifted up for me and my family....take care and have a beautiful Sunday! haven't gotten any bad weather...just alot of rain which we need so will pour down then alittle sunshine and then another pour down! Thanks for much for checking on me..that is so sweet of you...I have a niece in Hoover & one in I'm guessing all is well up that way seeing as how I haven't heard from them today and my sister wasy actually going to have dinner after church with the one in Hueytown...Hopefully it will juts give us that much needed rain and pass on...stay safe my friend and thanks again.
That bowl is so cute! Vanessa
Beautiful pink blow! I love that!
Kindredly, Lynne Laura
oh how sweet is that & the memories you'll always have from it will always be priceless, I'm still thinking about those smocking classes LOL
Lovely pieces! I love depression glass, it is just so beautiful, and I have collected a few pieces over the years!
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