I have reloaded some photos, removed some that would not load from the hosting site they were stored on and rewrote the S&T just a tad... But it is still all about smocking!
I hope everyone is having a great day today and looking forward to a wonderful weekend! The Lord is good to us. We are blessed in this house. I am participating in Kelli's of There's No Place Like Home Friday Show and Tell. {Click on this link to read more about it.}
I was going to be lazy and show the handbag/purse I posted yesterday as my show and tell. But, Kitty commented in a very sweet post about my bag and requested to see some of my smocking. I did quickly find a few photos before the bus ran (and made/packed lunch while photos loaded!) I hope that you enjoy them!

That is my Friday Show and Tell! I hope that you enjoyed it! If y'all like sewing pictures, I can bore you to tears with them. ;-) I have made tons of articles of clothing. The photos are saved on cd's somewhere. I need to watermark faces (of my child and my niece) before I post a quality photo of one of their faces straight on.
I look forward to seeing everyone's Show & Tells. Have a wonderful weekend!
I look forward to seeing everyone's Show & Tells. Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi! Happy Friday! Love your Show n Tell!!
And to answer your question...no, when you go into blogger editing...and change your template, you WON'T lose any of your old blog entries. They remain, it's just the template that changes [the background, the sidebar background, etc. But not the entry or any of the images you've posted]
BUT!!!! Always back up the OLD template and save it on your notebook or word or some text file. [from the EXPANDED html in Blogger edit]...that way if there is a mistake made, and/or if you don't like the new...you have the old stuff as backup.
If you need help, just let me know.
I love smocking!! So cute!
I am so glad to meet a fellow smocker! I love to smock, but to put the dresses together, I always have trouble... but I am learning.
Smocking is so sweet and feminine.
I do admire anyone who sews so beautifully. The smocking is lovely!
It was so sweet of you to post your smocking, sadly though only one picture showed up for me to see, the one of your daughter with the birdie. What lovely smocking! I have no clue how someone even begins to smock, let alone do an entire garment, I'm in awe of having such talent and patience to create heirloom clothing. Simply gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing, it was truly sweet of you!
That is lovely work.
Those are all so gorgeous!
You make me want to learn how to smock! I wish I could learn. Too much I want to do and not enough time!
You do lovely work with your smocking. The dresses are all so pretty.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
What beautiful smocking! That's one thing I've never done. The dresses are beautiful. The little preemie burial gown made me very sad - to think of our little preemies and how blessed we are tht they are so healthy after such a tough pregnancy.
Thanks for stopping by - glad to know someone else lives on a budget!
I love seeing little girls in such gorgeous clothing since I don't have a daughter and my niece wasn't dressed like that (more of a tom boy).
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for visiting me too.
Rock on class of '77!
wow - you are so talented!! The smockings are beautiful.
Oh what sweet memories. I use to smock and still have my pleater. it was so much fun. Maybe I'll have to go did it out again.
Problem is...I'd have to learn all over again. Its fun though. Thanks for sharing.
I was 'smocked' as a child-I love it! It just always amazed me! Beautiful post-
Thanks Melissa for reposting the pictures, I can really see your gorgeous work! I wish I knew how to smock, there are ladies that come into my work to buy fabric for smocking but so far none have taken up the suggestion to offer a class in it. You smocked creations are lovely, real family heirlooms, simply beautiful.
oh wow! This is so cool because my mom used to smock for me and my sister when we were kids and now she smocks for my daughter. I cant do it to save my life so I think its really cool! :)
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