In this first photo she is wearing an Heirloom Party Dress. The pattern is from Martha Pullen's French Handsewing by Machine II. It is made out of 100% PINK cotton batiste and french laces. I also did just a little machine embroidery pieces in the yoke and sleeves. I guess to stay with the 'French "Handsewn by Machine"' bit. ;-) LOL!
The second photo is one of my all time favorite dresses. I have made two of them. One for my niece and one for DD. It is from Australian Smocking and Embroidery (I think issue #41, I will have to check) and the design is called Child's Play. I wish I could remember the designers name. If I get a chance to go look it up, I will. The first dress I made like this took me 70-80 hours to smock and embroider all the flowers. That was for my niece. By the time I made this one, I had gotten much faster and not near as picky with my stitches. This is also a black and white photograph/negative printed on fiber based paper. I hand-tinted it with photographic oil based paints. I still do hand tinted photographs. I have my lab print them up for me digitally now. The fabric is 100% PINK Cotton Batiste with an English Netting overlay based and pleated onto a bishop dress. The sleeves are pleated and smocked as well.
Y'all have a Happy Pink Saturday! And stop over at Beverly's at How Sweet the Sound and see all the other Pink Posts. :D
The second photo is one of my all time favorite dresses. I have made two of them. One for my niece and one for DD. It is from Australian Smocking and Embroidery (I think issue #41, I will have to check) and the design is called Child's Play. I wish I could remember the designers name. If I get a chance to go look it up, I will. The first dress I made like this took me 70-80 hours to smock and embroider all the flowers. That was for my niece. By the time I made this one, I had gotten much faster and not near as picky with my stitches. This is also a black and white photograph/negative printed on fiber based paper. I hand-tinted it with photographic oil based paints. I still do hand tinted photographs. I have my lab print them up for me digitally now. The fabric is 100% PINK Cotton Batiste with an English Netting overlay based and pleated onto a bishop dress. The sleeves are pleated and smocked as well.
Y'all have a Happy Pink Saturday! And stop over at Beverly's at How Sweet the Sound and see all the other Pink Posts. :D