It is Pink Saturday!!!
Today, I thought that I would share with you a few photos of flowers that are blooming in my yard. (See why it is so hard to get in the mood for fall decorating with these beauties?)

I like to plant them with caladiums. They just go so well together. How do you like my little pink tea cup votive holder? I bought several of these about 3 years ago at Old Time Pottery Barn. (I just love that place.) This is the only one that has survived my child and the neighbor children playing in the yard.
I love Vincas. These little pinks with the hot pink centers are my favorite. They are peeking out from some weeds. One thing about rains from hurricanes. Yes they relieve drought conditions, give us an extra flush of blooms and boy those weeds start coming!!! I also gave them a good dose of fertilize just before Gustauv b/c I knew we would get plenty of rain from that one.

I love pink flowers and usually plant a lot of them in my yard every year. I think they make just a beautiful presentation in any yard.
Happy Pink Saturday Y'all and remember to stop by Bev's How Sweet the Sound to check out all the other Pink Saturday Posts. To find out more about Pink Saturday, clink on the link my my sidebar.
Your impatients and vincas look great!
Hope you have a wonderful pink saturday!
Lovely garden!! Happy pink Saturday to you!
Great garden! Have a happy Pink Saturdat.
I don't have enough shade for impatients... But I do love them.
Your pinks look so cool. (cool as in refreshing like a glass of sweet tea- not cool as in hey man)
Hi Melissa, I love impatients, it just get to hot in my yard for them. Yours are very pretty. Deb
Vincas are such happy flowers, aren't they? Lovely post, have a wonderful Pink Saturday!
Lovely garden and I also love the name of your blog.
Have a Happy and Bless Pink Saturday!
I hear ya! In South Florida, we don't have autumn colors either. Happy Pink Saturday!
Beautiful flowers Melissa. Mine too are looking so not like fall. One little frost and that will be over. sigh. Thanks for sharing your pink today.
Oh! Those are pretty pink flowers. Every year I forget to plant vincas and they really like our hot summers.
Have a wonderful pink Saturday. I hope the storms have passed you by!
I have a similar color of vinca (we call them periwinkles, too!) in black pots on my patio! They are such a hardy flower! Your calidiums and impatients look great mixed together. Your surviving votive holder lookes sweet! Happy PSat! Dana
Happy Pink Saturday, Melissa.
Vinca and caladiums are both favorites of mine. My mother always planted them when I was growing up. Yours are lovely.
Beautiful pink flowers!
There is no lovelier pink than a garden pink! Thanks for posting!!
Perfectly pink flowers for Pink Saturday! They are so pretty! I am not quite ready for fall yet either. It comes a little later here in NC...
I have impatiens all over my yard...they just seem to do great in our weather....they will bloom all year and then some...I just cut them back and they are ready to go again...just lovely pictures.
Mo :-)
The flowers are beautiful and I adore your cup in the lovely garden.
I wish I had seen those tea votive cups at old time pottery. I did get one of the bird seed cups like that. Your yard is pretty.
Wonderful luschious blooms! Love the ligt pink vinca the best! Happy Pink Day to you.
They're wonderful flowers! My favorites! Vanessa
Happy Pink Saturday!
Lovely PINK impatients!
~ Gabriela ~
Impatiens and vincas! How pretty, and what clear, crisp colors. Lovely for you to share with the Pink Saturday ladies!
Have a good one!
Wonderful Pink Saturday posting! Love your flowers! Have a wonderful week dear!
Happy Pink Saturday. Your flowers are lovely and I just love that teacup garden art. Have a wonderful Sunday. Karen
It's so nice to see beautiful summer blooms this time of the year!
Beautiful flowers!
Happy Pink Saturday!
I agree with you about how hard it is to get into fall decorating because just like you all my pink and white impatiens are just gorgeous right now. There is no way I will pull them out to put in mums. LOL...I'll figure out a way to make pink an orange work.
Your plants look wonderful! I wish I could keep those babies alive!
Beautiful pink flowers!!!
love all your gorgeous pink blooms! so delicate and sweet. have a great pink week and thanks for the visit.
The flowers in your yard are still so beautiful. Lovely photos.
Happy Pink
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