This old frame I found in my basement recycled into a chalkboard in my kitchen.

This old silver plate basket found in my sideboard recycled into a painted metal basket. (Is spray paint food safe?)

For years I have been looking for a new chandi for my foyer. I was sick of this one on the top photo. I would find the right one for the right price, but it would be the wrong color or size. Or I would find the right size and color, but wrong price!!! Bloghood changed that for me. :D

I found one on clearance at Lowes and spray painted it. I did not use my professional photo equipment for this shot. I just used my lil' ole' point and shoot camera. But is is a perfect chandi for the space. When I photograph the whole house for the blog, I will use my pro equipment.

Then there came the cloches. Did you know you can take items around the house and the $$$ store and the $$$ tree and make a Cloche?

Glass Hurricane or Vase, 50 cent votive holder, final and a plate. If you want them to be temporary, use hot glue. If you want them to be permanent, use a heavy duty glue like 6000 (?) or something that will work on glass. Fill it with items and you have a lovely cloche!

Clipboards. The tutorial is on my sidebar.

Christmas Card Ornament

I learned this from watching a Martha Stewart show a few years ago.

I like them and they look nice added to gifts. A great way to recycle cards.
The first project inspired by blogging. This umbrella stand was my late MIL's. I have had it for 13 years and it really needed to go or get a face lift....

Our Magic Christmas Elf needed his own bed. I could not have him sleeping with the American Girl Dolls.... None of that in this house, no siree! So I took this sneaker box...

A few old wooden spools I have been saving (OK, OK 15 cents, so my grandma saved them, then my mom saved them and gave them to me.... at least I am using them and they are no longer just taking up space!!!)

And some fabric and trims from my stash and a few scraps, I made this lovely Elfin bed.
I have tons of projects planned for 2009! A note book filled up. And I got Lowes gift cards for Christmas!!!! Yeah!
To enjoy more 2008 Project Reviews or to join the Party, go to Rhoda's blog Southern Hospitality! And Rhoda, thanks for hosting. It sure has been fun going over these photos and I am going to have fun going over everyone else's projects as well. Thanks so much and have a Blessed day!!!
To enjoy more 2008 Project Reviews or to join the Party, go to Rhoda's blog Southern Hospitality! And Rhoda, thanks for hosting. It sure has been fun going over these photos and I am going to have fun going over everyone else's projects as well. Thanks so much and have a Blessed day!!!
I almost forgot this tired old Chandi I found in a Flea Market Antique Mall in Leeds, Alabama.
And here it is over my kitchen table. So pretty! And perfect! I cannot tell you how many years I have been looking for the perfect Chandelier for this spot. This one stole my heart. With new wiring, prisms total cost about $68 and I love it!
Wonderful projects!
great projects! love that chalkboard!
What amazing transformations! Thunderous applause coming from Phoenix. :)
I have a brass chandelier in my dining room that I've been tempted to spray paint, but I'm so chicken! I don't want to use black, so I'm in a quandary. Any suggestions?
Hi Melissa - love the Christmas card ornament - what a great reuse of all those cards!
What a lovely foyer and the chandy is the perfect touch....
Look at you, Melissa! You've been a busy girl too. Love that painted chandy, it's fun to see those be changed out. You've accomplished a lot last year. Look forward to more fun with you in 2009!
Thanks for all the good tips. I love the basket painted blue. We've been looking for a new chandy for our entry way too. Ours is a lot like your old one. You've given me something to think about.
I've loved the projects through the year, but WHY of WHY did you post the link to 69 LINKS! My blog surfing sickness will be in overdrive! LOL
Such great projects, I love the chandis. Your ceiling is sooo high. I can't believe all the sweet birdies....are they all your? We had parakeets for many years I loved them so much.
Hi Melissa :)
Great projects, but I'm so glad you didn't forget your chandy! I absolutely love it :)
Well look! We are Bama girls....who think alike! I made a chalkboard plate. I love all of your ideas. I need to try the Leeds Antique.
It all looks great! I am here today by way fo Rhoda's Before and After. Come and check out my projects if you get a chance.
Girl you were very busy last year and everything turned out great! I've planned a little outing this morning! I'm going to Hoover to Home Goods and Marshall's. Then I'm going out on 280 their Home Goods store. I'm trying to gather pieces to some dishes that I like. And before I get back home I will be stopping by to check on my Aunt. I have a roast in the slow cooker I've washed a load of clothes and straighten up a bit and I'm feeling pretty good! I thought maybe an hour of visiting will take care of my withdrawls for now.LOL!!! Take Care Melissa! Great post! Deb
You did some FABULOUS projects in 2008! I can't wait to see more in 2009!
Hi Melissa,
I loved all of your projects! Isn't it fun?
You had a busy year! All of your projects look great. I love the Christmas cards!!!! I have a hard time throwing my cards away. I always save them.
Every thing looks so nice. I'm still way too chicken to try some of the things you've done.
take care,
Fantastic projects girl...great inspiration...hope you are having a great week!
Good evening Melissa, now girl I have got to try the cloche idea I would have never thought to do that one and I spend hours last year looking for them...the ones I liked my wallet did't so this is so cool and I will do this one for such...what a fun post you did..thanks so much for sharing all of this..and don't you just love a can of spray paint?? oh my head is now spining with making these cloches...hugs and smiles Gloria
I am absolutely impressed with all the projects -- you are one creative lady!!
I'm inspired!
I need to find a little chandy just like yours. Maybe I need to head to Leeds
Great, great projects, but my favorite is your creative idea for the cloches. I'm totally stealing that one. Thanks for the inspiration! :-)
I loved looking at all your projects! Um, is spray paint good with food? The chandeleir is beyond words. The chalkboard looks like a must do project.
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