We do not get much snow in the South. When we do, or if it is even predicted, the weather men/women are on 24 hours in advanced trying to predict where it will land. A lady at church winters down here from Michigan. She thought this was the funniest thing! "James Spann our weather man was serious b/c he had his suspenders on!" 24 hour coverage for snow melted by 2 pm. LOL! Well it did last a little longer than that. But I did explain to her and I will explain to you Yankees, our kids have never seen much more than flurries or dustings. This is the first time DD has ever made a snowman. She is 10 1/2. It was so much fun for her. People around here want to know where the snow band will land b/c they will even drive their kids to the outer edges of it, pull over and play in it for a while. And this was a good kind of snow. We had electricity, it did not stick to the roads (well, interstate bridges did freeze...), and was mostly melted by sundown. It was GREAT!!!
Now for photos! (I did not get many b/c we teach 8:10 4th grade Sunday School at church and we had a room full on Sunday!) The snow was already melting by the time we got home.
Now for photos! (I did not get many b/c we teach 8:10 4th grade Sunday School at church and we had a room full on Sunday!) The snow was already melting by the time we got home.
My Camelia in full bloom and melting snow falling off as I was snapping....
More photos of my Camelia, it is beautiful with the snow...
DD and I have started on a gnome fairy garden. It is in the shade and I had to knock the snow off this little gnome so that you could tell what he was... None of this had melted.
This was covered in white snow as we left for church, but still looked nice when we got home.
For more snow photos, check out my Sunday's Post. For more posts on Outdoor Wednesday or to particiapte in Outdoor Wednesday go to Susan's blog A Southern Daydreamer.
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Melissa! I love your snow pictures...especially the camellia! Thanks for sharing your photos.
Great pictures, especially the camellia. Will it be hurt by the snow? I hope not, it's beautiful. Kathy
Your pictures are beautiful. I especially like your camellia, it is gorgeous.hugs ~lynne~
Beautiful pics of your flowers with snow on them. I'm one of those northerners, up here we yawn when the weatherman says more snow! LOL, Cindy
It's always so much fun to get snow when it's totally unexpected. What weird weather we are all experiencing. Happy OW to you!!
Melissa, Your snow pictures are beautiful! I have been seeing alot of those beautiful pics on several blogs! Blessings, nancy
The snow melting off of the camelia is priceless, thank you for sharing.
Always nice to see the snow from my warm seat here in Texas...we almost never get it here. Looks like fun!
I am collecting to create my own little people garden this spring.
Happy Wed, Candy
Hi Melissa! Your camelia's beautiful and it is so pretty with the snow. You get more than us and we had 1 this year which melted right away but got us all excited...LOL...Christine
Surprise! It's snowing! How fun...for one day. Shoveling daily...not so much fun. You took some really nice pictures of the surprise!
Kathy b
Beautiful picture of the cemelia with the snow falling off of it. And your gnome made me smile. Thanks for sharing, Maryrose
The little gnome peekin out from his snowy hiding place is ADORABLE!
Sure hope that the snow didn't hurt the camellias. Your photograph is lovely. Happy Outdoor Wednesday.
my DH and I used to live in Jasper so when I discovered your blog I just had to say hello. Will be visiting again.
I suppose anything--even COLD anow--is wonderful if it's a rarity. Brrr.
beautiful snow pictures...I posted my rare snow pictures too
Beautiful pictures! I especially love the camellia. Have a great day!
It is so lovely to see flowers, even covered by snow. We are still a long way from blossoms on anything in PA. Just the short green leaves of tulips poking up through the snow.
We got the same snow as you did. Ours is still on the ground. We got about 4-6 inches. Your pictures are great.
It's in the 70s here :o great snow pictures! Happy OW!
I love camelias! I'd love to plant one someday, but not in a pot! Happy OW!
I know what you mean....yes...we southern try to find out where is the band going to be...LOL. We had snow flurries...didn't stick...We did have snow back in Dec 11th. 2008. Your Camillas is Gorgeous...I want to get me some this year...great photos...Just Beautiful! Have a wonderful Wednesday..Kathy
Great post! Melissa! You are so funny,I scrolled down and got my award. Thank you very much! It's so funny because Iam planning to post for this Thursday's Tablescape. LOL!!! I've been out today and Im just getting back so I better get started putting some things together. Thanks again!, and I won't forget to mention the award.Deb
Love the gnome in the snow and lantern photo. Gorgeous!
Love the camellias pictures...how gorgeous with that snow!
The camellia photo is gorgeous! Mine have already come and gone. The snow was fun wasn't it! We do get snow at least once a winter but these flakes were really huge!
What a beautiful camellia! Lucky you, it melted, we still have it here!
Aren't flowers beautiful frosted in snow? Your Camellia in deed looked so pretty. I wish all the snow we get would melt so fast. we get more tonight and this weekend.:-) We have yet to see any spring flowers. But they are coming!
Oh my goodness, the camellia with the snow on it is a fabulous picture! Thanks!
Loved the snow pics, especially the gnome; he looks so much like the one we had sitting under a large camelia but someone took him!
We're still looking for a replacement but he'll be in another spot for sure.
We got to see the snow falling, but it never stuck! :(
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for stopping by to say hi the other day. It is nice to meet you!
Great pictures! I hope that the snow didn't harm your beautiful camellia! It is gorgeous! Moving from Washington to Georgia - I still can't believe that there are beautiful flowers that grow this time of year. It is usually April or May before you see any growth in Washington! I am loving it in the South!
Blessings on your day today,
Wasn't the snow fun? We didn't have church until 2 pm, and my family decided not to go...we were too lazy by then, I guess! My 11 year old loved it...she doesn't remember the 2000 snow at all. I love the color of your camelia...I took pictures of ours, too. I posted my pics that day if you want to check them out. Have a great weekend!
Our snow started Sunday evening and by morning it was several inches on the ground! Plenty to play with *smiles* and definitely enough to keep me home from work *bigger smiles*
Good morning Melissa :)
I know what you mean about the snow. When we lived in CA we would drive up into the mountains to play in it after it fell. It's just as rare there :)
Beautiful pictures!!
Great snow pictures. I wish we would get a little of that pretty white stuff here but alas, it's sun sun and more sun. Rue's comment above reminded me that we used to drive up to the snow also when we lived in CA.
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