Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Tag and an Award!

Several months ago, Sweet Robin at My Blessed Nest tagged me. (Actually she tagged me on my business blog, but I have decided to keep in only business and award/tag free so I am posting it here!) I have not been blogging very much. A couple of projects have kept me busy and I have been wanting to make summer fun for DD in my spare time!

I am to tell 6 things about myself and tag 6 more people.
  1. I am a Christian. Accepted the Lord as my Savior when I was 7. I know, young, but that was when I knew I was a sinner and needed to ask Jesus into my heart. My SS teacher followed me to the alter and led me to the Lord. I will never forget it.
  2. I am Baptist. Raised Southern Baptist. The church I go to is part of the Southern Baptist Convention, but is considered Reformed Baptist.
  3. One of my hobbies is teaching exercise classes.
  4. Another hobby is sewing and crafting. I started learning to sew when I was 5. That is started learning... There are no projects around from when I was 5.... They must not have been that good. LOL!
  5. I was a brownie and a girl scout
  6. I am a Freelance Photographer and you will see a link to my business blog over in my right sidebar.
Now to pass this tag onto 6 people. :D
I am looking forward to visiting these fine ladies blogs and seeing what they say about themselves. And the rules are they are to tell 6 things about themselves and pass the tag along to 6 more people! Link back to the tagger's blog and link to the blogs you tag.

Now to show an Award.....

A sweet award from Valerie at It's a Wonderful Life... The Super Comments Award!

I feel very humbled and honored to be given this award, as I have not been much of a commenter of late.
I will pass this award to 6 people/bloggers.
  1. Sally at Smilling Sally's Blog~ She never fails to comment. We could all learn from her. Thank you Sally for all of your encouragement to all of us bloggers!
  2. Kitty at A bit of Fluff~Really Quite Messy ~ So sweet! And in her limited time for blogging, never fails to take the time to say "Hello!"
  3. Nancy at ~Southern Lady~ and a true Southern Lady she is! And never fails to stop by to see what is going on.
  4. Susan at A Southern Daydreamer ~ Runs her own Outdoor Wed Party every week, keep a busy schedule and still manages to speak to all her participants and comments on new posts. (She and Sally are toss ups for Comment Queens!)
  5. Robin at My Blessed Nest ~ Who lives near me and one day, we will get to meet. :-)
  6. C at Primitive Devotion ~ Missed her while she was gone and she is back with us! :-)
And the rules are they are to post the award and who awarded them with a link back to that the awarders blog and pass the blog to 6 other bloggers and link them to the post.

I hope everyone is having a great Thursday and planning on a wonderful weekend! Please take a moment to visit the above blogs, congratulate them and see what they have to say.



SmilingSally said...

Thank you Missy for thinking of me and for presenting me with this award. It's an especially nice one!

Kitty Scraps said...

Good Morning Melissa,
Congratulations on your well deserved award! And thank you for thinking of me *smiles* I will post it as soon as I can *smiles* Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Hey Melissa! You are so sweet to think of me! Thank you!
It's nice to be back among such wonderful people again.
Have a great weekend!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Good Morning Melissa, Thank you so much for the award!!! I am honored to recieve it! We miss you when you're not blogging, but we understand about life to...It does come first! Nancy

Stephanie said...

Very interesting!!! I accepted the challenge and tagged 6 others to do the same...what fun!!

Robin @ The Rendered Nest said...

Hi Missy, I finally found it!! I never even knew you had this blog...duh!!

Thank you for the award...I've posted about it and passed it along too! You are so sweet to think of me. I enjoyed reading about you...thanks for taking the time to tell us about yourself. And I'm looking forward to meeting you one day soon, too!

Christie said...

Hey Missy!
It's always fun reading a tag, and congratulations on that cute award. I hope you are having a wonderful summer. One of my favorite things about summer time is that the regular schedules are out the window! LOL! To a degree that is! LoL! Have a great day!
Big Hugs,

Valerie said...

Hey Melissa thanks for the tag!! I'll be getting it posted today or tomorrow. Hope your having a great day! Oh yes and we will meet one day!