Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cypress Fern

Otherwise known as Morning Glory Quamoclit pennata from the Convolvulaceae family.

For many many years, this Morning Glory was spread by passing out seeds over a neighbor's fence. In a way, that is sort'of how I got mine. While walking one day, I saw it all over a mail box. I asked the owner of the house about the plant. "May I have a cutting or one of the seedlings?" He explained it does not root and the seedlings will not transplant. But, in the fall, or as I see seed pods, take as much as I want.

I have this growing on my mailbox and now, through out my yard. It prefers full sun and anything it can climb on. Mine has bright red blooms. You can also get it in pink and white. In the bottom photo it is coming up volunteer and intertwined with some vincas and weeds.

Many times a year someone will stop by and ask for cuttings, seedlings, etc. I tell them the same thing the man told me. I also keep a baggy of seeds just to give away.

I really need to use my micro lens on a day when it is not windy! This is a tiny flower. BTW, humming birds like them too! And they will buzz you as you photograph the flower.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I Plan to Take it Back!!!

My yard that is. At one time, I gardened a lot. In fact it became an extension to my studio. I would photograph a client in the studio, then take them into the garden and photograph them some more. Then I became a mom. :D I love it! But something had to go and the yard was it. I would sometimes give it a lick and a promise and that would be all. And look what has moved in during my absence! Well, I have decided to take it back!

Yes, that is a copperhead!!! A very tiny copperhead! I took this photo with my Sigma 150/2.8. It was one of the 1st photos I took with the lens as I just got it that morning. Well, he must have a mama and some siblings around. Ed did kill it. Bro. Jeff was a tad disappointed about that. We told him we would be glad to call him the next time we see one.

Over the next year, I plan to take my yard back. Look here for photos of the progress. Now I need to sign off as I have little birdies on the deck looking for food. (Shouldn't they be looking for fresh seed on their own by now?)