16 years ago, my husband and I married. It has been a wonderful 16 years and I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. (Happy Anniversary Honey. I know you read my blog every day. I love you and you are a blessing to me.)
We spent our honeymoon in the mountains. (I had two other photos to post, I took them this past June, but I can't find where I stored them.) I saw this heart hanging on the window in the gift shop of the Mt. Pisgah Inn on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We had arrived the night before and it was cold. I remember the inn restaurant had a salad and the most wonderful French Onion Soup. The next morning, after breakfast, I went into the gift shop and saw this heart. I had to have it. I showed it to Ed and he loved it as well. It has been hanging over the sink in my kitchen ever since.
This is my Friday Show and Tell! Thank you Kelli for hosting Friday Show and Tell.
Make sure you stop by Kelli's There's No Place Like Home and check out all the other Friday Show and Tell participants.
This is my Friday Show and Tell! Thank you Kelli for hosting Friday Show and Tell.
Make sure you stop by Kelli's There's No Place Like Home and check out all the other Friday Show and Tell participants.