Saturday, November 29, 2008

Roll Tide Roll!!!

We Won! We Won!!!

13 AND O


We now have bragging rights for the next year. :-D

Friday, November 28, 2008

Drum Roll Please!!!!

DD did the honors. Elvis stood watch, making sure all the slips of paper were well mixed and DD kept her eyes closed.

..........And the Winner is...... Anya of Hills Creek Quilter! Congratulations Anya! She is a quilter and has a great blog on quilting. Please take a moment to visit her blog.

Oh this Give-A-Way has been way too fun! And I have gotten to visit so many new blogs and still have more to go visit. I look forward to doing another Give-A-Way. Maybe for my 200th post? :D

I have really enjoyed blogging and the friends I have met here. Y'all are great!

Congratulations Anya! Email me through my profile, sending me your address, etc!!!

Drawing Later Today!!!

Photo of DD holding Hayward and Jingle

We got back from a week at Walt Disney World last night. And boy were we tired after a day in the saddle! We went straight to bed and slept late today. We had a great time! Thanksgiving was a little different for us though.

Unpacking, laundry, cleaning out the car, etc....

My posts from this past week were all 'scheduled' posts and I did not even check email. Too busy. I did not realize that 'Hayward' was in 'locked' album. I have changed it so y'all can see who/what he is. LOL! Just scroll down to see the older post about Hayward and you will see when he arrived.

Check back later today or in the morning for the resutlts for the drawing! Sorry it has taken so long. We are trying to get unpacked, organized, etc. from being out of town for a week. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!
From our Home
To Yours.

We have much to be Thankful for.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Video

Please turn off my Christmas music in the right side bar before enjoying the video.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hayward is Coming...

Here is how we found him last year, the morning he arrived at our house. Already up to mischief! Snooping into DD's stocking looking for goodies. Up on the mantel is Jingle, one of DD's favorite plushes. He was keeping an eye on Hayward. When Hayward shows up, lot's goes on around here until he heads back to the North Pole.

Hayward shows up sometime during the night after we get our tree put up. Then, on Dec. the 23rd, he goes back to the North Pole so he can help Santa load the sleigh and hook up all the reindeer.

We need to make him a nice bed to sleep in. We are not going to have him sleeping with the American Girl Dolls. No siree! None of that around this house. And Jingle will keep a close watch on him to make sure Hayward behaves himself.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bookworm Award!

I have been awarded the Bookworm Award from Jan at Jan and Tom's Place. Now fortunately, the rules are not intellectual, spiritual, etc. Not really hard! All you have to do is pick up the closest book to you, turn to page 56, go to the 5th sentence and type it. Then pass the award along to 5 people! :D

Here we go, y'all ready!

by: Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black

"The sword was lying on the bank, where Jared had dropped it."

I pass this award along to the following 5 people:

1. Queenie-Somewhere in Time (Private Blog)

2. Martha-Southern Matriarch (one of the 2 people I blame my blogging addiction on...) LOL Just kidding hon!

3. Pam-Sew Gracious (one of the other 2 people......) LOL Just kidding!

4. Linda- Blue Gate Blog

5. Wendy- Ivory Spring

Thanks Jan for the award!