Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Inspired to go Thrifting and Antiquing

Inspired by Rhoda's "What's Your Favorite Thrift Find" I was inspired to go to a couple of nearby places.

The first place I went was the Salvation Army.

If you look at this table and chair set, then go to Cindy's My Romantic Home and take a look at her Dining Room Table and chairs....

The caning needs replacing in places. But... made me think, "I wished I needed a Dinning Room Table and Chairs!" Oh well, someone will find this jewel and enjoy fixing it up and have a great time with it. :D

There was also a lovely sideboard in great condition.

Then I went to On a ShoeString Antiques in Bluff Park.
This is the store where I got the Compote and Silver Butter Dish.
Click Here to

There is a lot of Garden Art for sale in the front.

While the front rooms are filled with prime items like a Tiffany Lamp, dishes, collectibles, etc. The back is full of cool stuff that takes little imagination to use. You have to go through the place several times to take it all in. And don't forget the upstairs!
Here are several mantels stacked several deep. A sink... A barbers (or dentist) chair and an adding machine. Behind all those mantels are shelves with more dishes!

I am not sure what this is, but I thought is was neat and decided to take a photo.

There were many cabinets in the back. This one is "Vintage Shabby Chic" complete with contact paper on the door. I guess it was a 'cool' idea at the time. ;-)

Anyone need a nice chair?

Or maybe a Rocker?

Look at all the teacups.
They were in the bathroom.

And this little potty and chamber pot were in the bathroom too!

I was much interested in this little one. I have been looking for any antique hand crank child's sewing machine for a while. But it was a little pricey. Today, I will go to Smocking Arts Guild Meeting. Several of the gals have collected these. I will tell them the brand and ask what is a fair price. If it is good, I will go back and get it. :-P

Of course, I had to go into the caboose! (That is where I found my Silver Plate Butter Dish!)
Everything in the caboose is 1/2 off. There was a lot of silver plate in there. If you needed it, want it and have a place to put it.

Look what I found!!! A plate to match the Compote! (And other pieces that I have, mom gave me.) There are a couple of chips and a corner kinda broken. However, I call that character. :D

Price... $4.00!

If anyone in the Central Alabama area wants to know where or how to get to these items/places, email me or comment and I will email you where/directions.

Have a great day everyone!


The Queen of Fifty Cents said...

Great stuff, love that sideboard. I'm wondering if your 'don't know what it is' thing is a wall of Post Office boxes? Do the compartments have locks on them?

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hey, Melissa! Oh fun, you're getting out there. I haven't been to the Bluff Park place, but it looks fun. I'll have to check it out sometime. That table & chairs at SA is wonderful. Someone def. needs to get that!

yeah, I was going to say the same thing...P.O. boxes!

Glad I inspired you to get out looking again!

I'm off to the gym for spin class..


Picket said...

Hey gril...thanks so much for praying for sweet Heather and thanks for all that info on shopping areas...I hardly ever go that direction but I know my sister does all the time..her youngest daughter lives in Hoover and she goes there alot...Usually all the family comes down to my place so I just mostly stay around this side of things! lol We do take spells though and go antiquing on road trips from time to time ! Thanks again friend...hope you are having a great day...we just got back home...I cooked dinner and we carried it to mama & daddy's and spent the afternoon with has been a great day!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Melissa, I love tha sideboard and the teacups. It's so much fun getting out and thrifting, the treasures you can find! Thanks for coming by, you are always welcome, please come back!
Blessings, Nancy

The Berry's Patch said...

Hi Melissa,

I just love that side board. Looks like they had a lot of interesting things. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment!

Brandee :-)

Kimba said...

Those are all some great finds! Looks like you had fun thrifting! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. :-)

Charlotte said...

Very interesting stuff. The picture you didn't know what was is old post office boxes. I remember them well. We got our mail in boxes like these at a couple of places I lived when I was growing up.