Thursday, October 8, 2009

I Broke a Promise to My Husband....

...that I made to him 17 years ago and last week I made Tuna Casserole!!! Just before we married, (17 years ago Saturday) he made me promise that I would never make and serve him Tuna Casserole. I have gone 17 years without Tuna Casserole!!! And I have really been craving it. Yum yum!

Look at this delicious mixture. Light chunk and albacore tuna, cream of mushroom soup, fresh broccoli and grated cheese.

And cooked brown rice... yum!

I could not find any saltines, but I did find some wheat things so that is what I used. And added more cheese. Look at that hot bubbly cheese. Yum!!!h

Serve it up! A meal in one dish on a plate. Oh it is so good! DH took a small spoonful and asked that I never make it again. DD took one "thank you" bite then made herself a PBJ.

More for Me!!! :D

Tuna Casserole
2 cans of tuna~drained
Bag of frozen broccoli~Fresh works well too
1 Can of Campbells Cream of Mushroom Soup
Steamed rice
Diced or shredded cheese

Mix together, pour up into 2qt casserole dish and bake in oven for about 30 minutes.

Thank you Gollum for hosting Foodie Friday. To see more Foodie Friday Treats go to Gollum's Blog.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Tag and an Award!

Several months ago, Sweet Robin at My Blessed Nest tagged me. (Actually she tagged me on my business blog, but I have decided to keep in only business and award/tag free so I am posting it here!) I have not been blogging very much. A couple of projects have kept me busy and I have been wanting to make summer fun for DD in my spare time!

I am to tell 6 things about myself and tag 6 more people.
  1. I am a Christian. Accepted the Lord as my Savior when I was 7. I know, young, but that was when I knew I was a sinner and needed to ask Jesus into my heart. My SS teacher followed me to the alter and led me to the Lord. I will never forget it.
  2. I am Baptist. Raised Southern Baptist. The church I go to is part of the Southern Baptist Convention, but is considered Reformed Baptist.
  3. One of my hobbies is teaching exercise classes.
  4. Another hobby is sewing and crafting. I started learning to sew when I was 5. That is started learning... There are no projects around from when I was 5.... They must not have been that good. LOL!
  5. I was a brownie and a girl scout
  6. I am a Freelance Photographer and you will see a link to my business blog over in my right sidebar.
Now to pass this tag onto 6 people. :D
I am looking forward to visiting these fine ladies blogs and seeing what they say about themselves. And the rules are they are to tell 6 things about themselves and pass the tag along to 6 more people! Link back to the tagger's blog and link to the blogs you tag.

Now to show an Award.....

A sweet award from Valerie at It's a Wonderful Life... The Super Comments Award!

I feel very humbled and honored to be given this award, as I have not been much of a commenter of late.
I will pass this award to 6 people/bloggers.
  1. Sally at Smilling Sally's Blog~ She never fails to comment. We could all learn from her. Thank you Sally for all of your encouragement to all of us bloggers!
  2. Kitty at A bit of Fluff~Really Quite Messy ~ So sweet! And in her limited time for blogging, never fails to take the time to say "Hello!"
  3. Nancy at ~Southern Lady~ and a true Southern Lady she is! And never fails to stop by to see what is going on.
  4. Susan at A Southern Daydreamer ~ Runs her own Outdoor Wed Party every week, keep a busy schedule and still manages to speak to all her participants and comments on new posts. (She and Sally are toss ups for Comment Queens!)
  5. Robin at My Blessed Nest ~ Who lives near me and one day, we will get to meet. :-)
  6. C at Primitive Devotion ~ Missed her while she was gone and she is back with us! :-)
And the rules are they are to post the award and who awarded them with a link back to that the awarders blog and pass the blog to 6 other bloggers and link them to the post.

I hope everyone is having a great Thursday and planning on a wonderful weekend! Please take a moment to visit the above blogs, congratulate them and see what they have to say.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Blue...

... Red and White 4th of July!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend. We certainly did.

Welcome to Blue Monday and thank you Sally (Smilly Sally's Blog) for hosting Blue Monday every week!
I wanted to share with you a few photos of my table.

I made this M&M tablecloth w/matching napkins many many years ago. My in-laws and I use it for every use it every patriotic holiday. Either at our house, the lake house (before FIL sold it) or at my IL's house. The napkins are a generous 22". When I make napkins, I make them big enough to cover your lap!!! Look at how the patriotic M&M's and the white stars stand out on the blue fabric.

And dessert! Luscious blueberries {yum!} on the fruit pizza! Look at that deep blue color! And so fresh and jucy! This is one of our favorite desserts

And we cannot forget table decorations! After reading about all the bargains Gloria got at the $$$ Tree a couple of weeks ago, I went there to see what I could find. Flag garland. I decorated the chandi with it, used it for napkin holders and decorated my teapot with it. Oh, and I had DH and DD pick up red and white flowers for me. Actually DH was afraid to pick out flowers and had DD do it. Didn't she do a great job! I am tired of always using a clear vase... and there was one of my tea pots sitting there. Just the perfect shade blue and there were even two Teapartys here in the B'ham area Sat. Perfect! (This pot btw also makes a perfect pot of tea!)
I hope that you enjoyed my Blue Monday Post. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I read each and everyone!
To see more Blue Monday Posts or to participated in Blue Monday, go to Sally's Blog~Smiling Sally.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

God Bless America!

Wishing every one a happy and save 4th of July!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

TableScape Thurs~The McLean House

Welcome to Tablescape Thursday and thank you Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) for hosting your 44th TT!
In Appomattox, VA., where Robert E. Lee surrendered the Confederate troupes to General Grant, you will find the McLean house. It is a beautiful 3 story home.

The McLeans lived in Manassas, VA. He was a banker and also speculated in sugar. After the war started they moved to Appomattox, VA. History tells us it was because of 'business'. But there is also a legend that during the battle of Bull Run (Manassas), which was also the first battle of the Civil War, a cannon ball went through their Manassa home.

In their lovely home in Appomattox the kitchen was on the first/ground floor. The morning table setting of breakfast for the head cook, housekeeper or even Mrs. McLean would look something like this.

Mr. McLean would have had his afternoon tea set in his study much like this.I believe this is Flow Blue. I was behind a barrier and there was a big ranger woman watching me. I suppose she was afraid I would make off with the china....

On the ground floor, across from the kitchen, is the dinning hall. I bet there were many dances in there as well. I love those empire sideboards.... but this is about table settings. Mrs. McLean (or her servants) set a lovely table. And look at the painted cloth under the table. It is beautiful! Expensive for the day and forerunner to our vinyl tile.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. To see more Tablescapes or to Participate in Tablescape Thursday, go to Susan's blog Between Naps on the Porch.

VBS Crafts for 5th & 6th Graders

You know, it is always hard to find a cool, challenging VBS Project for 5th & 6th graders and still stay with in budget. What I have found that works best, and it is not original with me as I believe the young lady who was in charge of A&C before me told me she did this. Take the budget you have been given, divide the number of classes/grades you have to supply and that is the limit that you give yourself to spend on each class/grade. And that is what I try to do.

We typically have fewer 5th and 6th graders, so we can spend a few more cents on a project per child. But keeping it age appropriate, fun, etc.... Some of these kids were dragged here kicking and screaming... After all, they are TWEENS!!! Some are in Middle School! The great thing about our church is we do not put a 6th grader in a dept with a 12th grader. Nor are they in the same dept with a kindergartner and 1st grader. The 5th & 6th graders have their own Department, their own minister, their own worship leaders, etc. They do not have to be with the little kids or pushed into a scene where they are not quite ready. And we must have some exciting things going on for them b/c we had record numbers of 5th and 6th graders sign up for VBS this year.

5th graders, we chose Painted Ceiling Tiles.
You can buy these by the 6 pack case at Lowes or Home Depot, cut them down to what ever your budget will allow. Kids of all ages love them. This year we selected a larger size and allowed the 5th graders to paint them.
Tempera Paints work best with ceiling tiles. You will need to add a tad of water to them.

We use the primary colors and colors the Aborigine would have used. Some of the children wanted to change things up a bit, so we had white and black on hand for them to do so.

Of course this being Hoover Bucs, Alabama and Auburn Territory, we always have to keep plenty of orange, black, orange, blue, red, grey and white around. However, I did not see much school spirit painting as I have seen in the past.

A young lady, who is a very talented artist and used to be in charge of the VBS A&C researched Aborigine art. Then she came up with some templates for the youth to use with their ceiling tiles. (Thanks Andrea!) And the children were educated on the Aborigine art and then they put their own ideas to work.

I think these 5th graders did a very good job!

They color washed the tile with a background paint one day and gave some thought to their designs. Maybe even doodled with a pencil.

The 2nd day they painted the designs.

We drilled 1/2 inch holes about 1 and 1/2 inches down from the top of the tile. Ran "springy" clothes line rope through and tied it in the back for hanging.

Ceiling tile craft ran around $1.00 per child. You can cut the cost down by cutting the tiles smaller.

6th Grad Craft! Covered Clipboards!

For this craft, we had a lot of supplies already on hand. Supplies such as scrapbook paper, fabric, duct tape, glue & paint. All we had to buy were the clipboards. And through a google search I found them for .77 cents a piece!!! Yes!!!

Since this was to be a pricey craft, we wanted it to be a "right of passage" for the oldest children. Most of them really enjoyed it. And did a fantastic job with their clipboards.
Here are 2 cloth covered ones. They were started on day one. Time was an issue here as we only had 2 days with the tracks being 25 minutes long.

Here are some others that also have fabric on them.

The boys used old blue jeans,, duct tape, really cool designs, but most of them had their names front and center and I did not feel good about putting those photos on my blog....

Here is a completed clipboard. It was done with scrapbooking paper.

Here this clipboard is completed and drying. It has the weeks memory verses included in the decoupage. We try to reinforce the Bible Study Lesson and Memory Verses in all of our crafts.

Day 1 complete the back. Day 2 complete the front.

Because we had so many of the supplies on hand, fabric donated, this craft ended up costing about .80 cents per child. Not one you could do with a large group or a small budget, but doable if you work your plan right.

We had contemplated not doing the Ceiling tiles with the 5th graders next year, but cutting them smaller and, again incorporating VBS/SummerQuest theme, using it for a younger grade. However, I have a 4th grader going into 5th. And DH and I teach 4th graders. They are all 'abuzz' about getting to do ceiling tile painting next year....

Please let me know if you found these posts on VBS Crafts helpful.

I think the ceiling tiles were a hit! And we can give Glory to God!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mosaic Crosses~VBS Craft

Our 4th grade craft was an Australian Mosaic Cross. My heart was set on Didgeridoos, but my sources for bamboo kept falling through. And what happened to all that bamboo at the $$$ Tree? Last year they had them by the cases. I never could find them this year. They never did get it at the Old Time Pottery Barn either.

One of the ladies who helped me with the selection of the crafts found the wooden crosses and plastic mosaics online.

$5.99 for 12 at S&S Worldwide.

The mosaics were also $5.99 a bag and there were about 1500 pieces per bag. We had tons left over. Some children did not use as many as we thought they would or completely cover the wood with the mosics.

Day one, the crosses were sanded and painted. This took ALL of the time allowed for the track.

Some children were creative with their painting. :D

On day 2 they apply a generous amount of glue and the mosaics.

While the glue is still wet, have an adult instructor apply the mystery part of the craft (sand). We are not allowed to have sand in the church. So.... this had to be closely guarded and secretive.

If you will notice in one of the above photos, the cross has a hole in the top. This is so you can hang it if you like. If the child wants to hang it in a window or as an ornament, they can paint the back. This is a good time to flip the cross over and paint the back. The sand should keep it from sticking to anything. We used fishing line to hang the crosses with.

Another option we gave the children is to use a 1 1/2 inch magnet on the back. If they choose this, have them place a mosaic over the hole so it will not be visible from the front.

The cost on this craft was about .65 cents per child. And another craft that will be a nice keepsake. We will do this cross craft again. And suitable for different age groups.