Rhoda of Southern Hospitality is having a 2008 Project Review! I am joining in with a few projects. (Thanks Rhoda for Hosting!)
This old frame I found in my basement recycled into a chalkboard in my kitchen.
Our Magic Christmas Elf needed his own bed. I could not have him sleeping with the American Girl Dolls.... None of that in this house, no siree! So I took this sneaker box...
A few old wooden spools I have been saving (OK, OK 15 cents, so my grandma saved them, then my mom saved them and gave them to me.... at least I am using them and they are no longer just taking up space!!!)
And some fabric and trims from my stash and a few scraps, I made this lovely Elfin bed.
I have tons of projects planned for 2009! A note book filled up. And I got Lowes gift cards for Christmas!!!! Yeah!
To enjoy more 2008 Project Reviews or to join the Party, go to Rhoda's blog
Southern Hospitality! And Rhoda, thanks for hosting. It sure has been fun going over these photos and I am going to have fun going over everyone else's projects as well. Thanks so much and have a Blessed day!!!
I almost forgot this tired old Chandi I found in a Flea Market Antique Mall in Leeds, Alabama.
And here it is over my kitchen table. So pretty! And perfect! I cannot tell you how many years I have been looking for the perfect Chandelier for this spot. This one stole my heart. With new wiring, prisms total cost about $68 and I love it!