Outdoor Wednesday, I wanted to share with you some photos I took on a walk Memorial Day Morning. It was cool, humid, and in between showers. Lovely walk.
Thank you to Susan from
A Southern Daydreamer for hosting Outdoor Wednesday every week.
I first made a few photos of flowers in my yard...
Lovely Star Gazers. I just love these lilys. I must plant more this fall.
It was raining when we woke up this morning. I love the water droplets that the rain left all over the flowers.
A pretty snap dragon looking flower that I planted from seed for my grandma. She lived with my mom and was not able to plant her garden the last year she was alive. DH and I were engaged at the time. We planted her garden for her. She asked me to plant these flower seeds for her. She died a few months later. My mom later had me bring some of the plants to my house. They come back every year. I have no idea what they are called and have not had any luck finding out.

Anyone else know? They are pretty. They bloom in the spring and in the fall. Reseed and seem to be either a biannual or a perennial. They replant well. Rarely bloom in the heat of mid summer. But as the temps warm in the spring or cool in the late summer/early fall, they begin to bloom again.
Now for the walk....

Don't you just love Magnolias? I do.
And here in the Deep South, the trees are full of their blooms.

I love the center of this one.
Pink Lemonade Honeysuckle is a popular site around mail boxes. I have never tasted the nectar of the blooms. I wonder if they taste as good as the regular wild Honeysuckle?
I just love Hydrangeas, don't you? I have tried growing them many times, but the voles (a mouse looking critter) and moles keep eating the roots. So I have found it is cheaper to enjoy the neighbors.
And back home again in my own yard...
I do not remember what this is called. I mail ordered it at least 16 years ago. The name is in one of my garden journals, that is when I kept garden journals.... The root goes to China. I love the flower. Very hardy perennial.
I hope you enjoyed my walk. To participate in
Outdoor Wednesday or to see more
Outdoor Wednesday posts go to Susan's blog
A Southern DayDreamer.