...about God, family, home, living and enjoying the little things in life.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Drum Roll Please!!!!
DD did the honors. Elvis stood watch, making sure all the slips of paper were well mixed and DD kept her eyes closed.
..........And the Winner is...... Anya of Hills Creek Quilter! Congratulations Anya! She is a quilter and has a great blog on quilting. Please take a moment to visit her blog.
Oh this Give-A-Way has been way too fun! And I have gotten to visit so many new blogs and still have more to go visit. I look forward to doing another Give-A-Way. Maybe for my 200th post? :D
I have really enjoyed blogging and the friends I have met here. Y'all are great!
Congratulations Anya! Email me through my profile, sending me your address, etc!!!
I have really enjoyed blogging and the friends I have met here. Y'all are great!
Congratulations Anya! Email me through my profile, sending me your address, etc!!!
Drawing Later Today!!!
We got back from a week at Walt Disney World last night. And boy were we tired after a day in the saddle! We went straight to bed and slept late today. We had a great time! Thanksgiving was a little different for us though.
Unpacking, laundry, cleaning out the car, etc....
My posts from this past week were all 'scheduled' posts and I did not even check email. Too busy. I did not realize that 'Hayward' was in 'locked' album. I have changed it so y'all can see who/what he is. LOL! Just scroll down to see the older post about Hayward and you will see when he arrived.
Check back later today or in the morning for the resutlts for the drawing! Sorry it has taken so long. We are trying to get unpacked, organized, etc. from being out of town for a week. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Unpacking, laundry, cleaning out the car, etc....
My posts from this past week were all 'scheduled' posts and I did not even check email. Too busy. I did not realize that 'Hayward' was in 'locked' album. I have changed it so y'all can see who/what he is. LOL! Just scroll down to see the older post about Hayward and you will see when he arrived.
Check back later today or in the morning for the resutlts for the drawing! Sorry it has taken so long. We are trying to get unpacked, organized, etc. from being out of town for a week. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Hayward is Coming...
Here is how we found him last year, the morning he arrived at our house. Already up to mischief! Snooping into DD's stocking looking for goodies. Up on the mantel is Jingle, one of DD's favorite plushes. He was keeping an eye on Hayward. When Hayward shows up, lot's goes on around here until he heads back to the North Pole.
Hayward shows up sometime during the night after we get our tree put up. Then, on Dec. the 23rd, he goes back to the North Pole so he can help Santa load the sleigh and hook up all the reindeer.
We need to make him a nice bed to sleep in. We are not going to have him sleeping with the American Girl Dolls. No siree! None of that around this house. And Jingle will keep a close watch on him to make sure Hayward behaves himself.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Bookworm Award!
I have been awarded the Bookworm Award from Jan at Jan and Tom's Place. Now fortunately, the rules are not intellectual, spiritual, etc. Not really hard! All you have to do is pick up the closest book to you, turn to page 56, go to the 5th sentence and type it. Then pass the award along to 5 people! :D
Here we go, y'all ready!
by: Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black
"The sword was lying on the bank, where Jared had dropped it."
I pass this award along to the following 5 people:
1. Queenie-Somewhere in Time (Private Blog)
2. Martha-Southern Matriarch (one of the 2 people I blame my blogging addiction on...) LOL Just kidding hon!
3. Pam-Sew Gracious (one of the other 2 people......) LOL Just kidding!
4. Linda- Blue Gate Blog
5. Wendy- Ivory Spring
Thanks Jan for the award!
Here we go, y'all ready!
by: Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black
"The sword was lying on the bank, where Jared had dropped it."
I pass this award along to the following 5 people:
1. Queenie-Somewhere in Time (Private Blog)
2. Martha-Southern Matriarch (one of the 2 people I blame my blogging addiction on...) LOL Just kidding hon!
3. Pam-Sew Gracious (one of the other 2 people......) LOL Just kidding!
4. Linda- Blue Gate Blog
5. Wendy- Ivory Spring
Thanks Jan for the award!
Monday, November 17, 2008
A Give-A-Way
Did I say I would post a Give-A-Way today? I did didn't I. If you are here for todays Blue Monday Post, you will need to scroll down to the next post. :-D
Drum Roll Please.....
Drum Roll Please.....
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!
2 lovely Holly and Berry Snack Plates with Matching Mugs. (I ordered several sets of these plates/mugs last year. One set for me, and a couple Dirty Santa Gifts and such. They did not arrive in time for one of the parties we went to and I saved it for this year!
I call it my Santa Snack Plate and Mug. :0))
A Cute Christmas Tree Ornament I purchased from our newly opened Garden Ridge Shoppe.
And the snack plates will be full with the bag of soft and chewy chocolate chunk cookies, I also found at Garden Ridge. Yum they look so GOOD!!!
I also found the cutest Christmas Dish Towel at Big Lots. It has a recipe for Santa Cookies and a Santa Cookie Cutter attached to it.
That is just in case you run out of those Chocolate Chunk Cookies!
I call it my Santa Snack Plate and Mug. :0))
A Cute Christmas Tree Ornament I purchased from our newly opened Garden Ridge Shoppe.
And the snack plates will be full with the bag of soft and chewy chocolate chunk cookies, I also found at Garden Ridge. Yum they look so GOOD!!!
I also found the cutest Christmas Dish Towel at Big Lots. It has a recipe for Santa Cookies and a Santa Cookie Cutter attached to it.
That is just in case you run out of those Chocolate Chunk Cookies!
Winter has come early to the South this year. I am sure it is that way everywhere.
So I am filling the mugs with ingredients for Snowman's Soup!
Good anytime, but especially on a cold night.
So I am filling the mugs with ingredients for Snowman's Soup!
Good anytime, but especially on a cold night.
And in the spirit of Bloggerville thriftness, I found this little Santa Tree, new in box, at the local Goodwill Thrift Store. I think he is so adorable.
Rules for the Give-A-Way
- Live/Ship in the 48 US
- Comment to this post between now and Thanksgiving Day. I will cut the time off at 6:00 PM Central Standard Time
- Drawing will be Thanksgiving Night or Friday Morning
- Post the Give-A-Way on your blog, you will receive one extra entry.
- Post the Give-A-Way on your sidebar you will receive one extra entry.
- Anonymous and non bloggers may post to enter, but make sure you leave your email addy! I must have a way to contact you!
Blue Monday
Thank you Sally for hosting Blue Monday! To check out more Blue Monday posts, go to Sally's blog, Smilling Sally.
I WON! I WON!!! I won a Beautiful Blue Clock from Kimba's Site! She is promoting Mom's Businesses

and is featuring a GiveAWay every few days. One Etsy shop she was promoting is Bode22 owned by Meg (I think Meg is sold out of clocks right now... her shop is empty! I hope she is making more!) and here is Meg's blog. In reading her blog, I think she is busy!!! And with these adorable clocks, I see why!
I WON! I WON!!! I won a Beautiful Blue Clock from Kimba's Site! She is promoting Mom's Businesses
and is featuring a GiveAWay every few days. One Etsy shop she was promoting is Bode22 owned by Meg (I think Meg is sold out of clocks right now... her shop is empty! I hope she is making more!) and here is Meg's blog. In reading her blog, I think she is busy!!! And with these adorable clocks, I see why!
Dosn't this clock look GREAT next to my yellow wall?
I just love this shade of blue! I love this clock!
Thanks Mel and Kimba! To check out

and GiveAWays, go to Kimba's blog.
The Mom Unite tag is Blue too!!!
Sally, thank you for hosting Blue Monday!!!
And allowing me to show off my new Blue Clock!!!
Thanks Mel and Kimba! To check out
and GiveAWays, go to Kimba's blog.
The Mom Unite tag is Blue too!!!
Sally, thank you for hosting Blue Monday!!!
And allowing me to show off my new Blue Clock!!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sunday Video
Saturday, November 15, 2008
100th Post!!! And My GiveAWay!
In the tradition of Bloggerville I am having a GiveAWay!

She comes complete with cage and toys... Your children will even fit in there.
And... she is fully perch trained (in dog terms-house broken. She will not poo in her cage. And rarely on a person or anywhere, but on a perch!)
A Beautiful Timneh African Grey
A Beautiful Timneh African Grey
She comes complete with cage and toys... Your children will even fit in there.
And... she is fully perch trained (in dog terms-house broken. She will not poo in her cage. And rarely on a person or anywhere, but on a perch!)
Loves kisses...yuck!!! Prefers frenches! Makes me sick to my stomach.
Awww, just kidding! I could not give away my Zoey girl! I love her too much! I will just have to keep her. (OK honey, stop your Snoopy dance.) DH and Zoey do not always get along. I will need a different GiveAWay. Y'all be sure to come back on Monday and I will have my GiveAWay posted!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Two Great Give-A-Ways
Check out my Photo Blog (right side bar) for my Friday Show and Tell.
I wanted to tell y'all about two great giveaways going on right now.
First, Sally at Smiling Sally is having a Merry Merry Christmas giveaway. Click here to go to her blog and register.
Second, The Old Red Barn is having another quilt giveaway. This time it is 3 quilts! Click on the picture to go to Dana's blog to register.
I wanted to tell y'all about two great giveaways going on right now.
First, Sally at Smiling Sally is having a Merry Merry Christmas giveaway. Click here to go to her blog and register.
Second, The Old Red Barn is having another quilt giveaway. This time it is 3 quilts! Click on the picture to go to Dana's blog to register.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Trash to Treasure Tuesday!

The pencil cup is made out of a soup or vegetable can that most people would throw away or put in the recycle bin. The clip board has been around since dinosaurs roamed the earth. I have several that have been covered. (For gifts, I buy new clipboards.) The old clipboards around the house have all gotten a new face lift. I think this one is missing a corner or is damaged. Most people would have thrown it away. Not me, I covered and decorated it. :-) You would never know it had been damaged. I love it! I take it on all of my photo shoots.
Thank you Diane for hosting Trash to Treasure! To see more Trash to Treasure treats or to show off your Trash to Treasure, stop by Diane's blog, A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words.
Thank you Diane for hosting Trash to Treasure! To see more Trash to Treasure treats or to show off your Trash to Treasure, stop by Diane's blog, A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Blue Monday
Good Morning and welcome to Blue Monday!
I posted this photo a few months ago. I purchased that cabinet from Unfinished Furniture Mart and painted it years ago.
I just took this photo a few minutes ago so you could see more detail of my faux crackle finish. DH thought I made a mess, but I liked how it turned out. Oh, did I tell y'all I like BLUE?
Someone stole my idea! Someone who blog lurks and has a flea market/antique shop booth stole my idea. ;-) The shop, where I found the chandelier, also had this cabinet. I had to do a double take b/c of the color. LOL! Did I tell y'all I love BLUE? I am really teasing about somebody copying my idea. But seeing this piece leads me to believe that I am on track. Though that would not matter because I love my blue cabinet! And I painted it for me and the spot it sits in. :D
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a commit!
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a commit!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Pink Saturday
Good Morning and Happy Pink Saturday!!! Pink Saturday is hosted every week by Beverly of How Sweet the Sound.
If you have been following my blog, then you know that a few weeks ago, I went to Smocking Arts Guild (SAGA) Convention in Atlanta. Fortunately, my roommate needed help at the SAGA Market and so I helped her instead of spending all my money at the SAGA market and going to Atlanta Market. :-) Good thing too! Otherwise I would have had to pass on the bargains I found here at this shop. To know what I am talking about, you will need to scroll down a few posts and read about my trip home from Atlanta and the money I had just burning a hole in my pocket! (I still have most of that money and WDW here we come!!!) On my drive home from Atlanta I found a Flea Market/Antique Mall..... Spent some time there....
If you have been following my blog, then you know that a few weeks ago, I went to Smocking Arts Guild (SAGA) Convention in Atlanta. Fortunately, my roommate needed help at the SAGA Market and so I helped her instead of spending all my money at the SAGA market and going to Atlanta Market. :-) Good thing too! Otherwise I would have had to pass on the bargains I found here at this shop. To know what I am talking about, you will need to scroll down a few posts and read about my trip home from Atlanta and the money I had just burning a hole in my pocket! (I still have most of that money and WDW here we come!!!) On my drive home from Atlanta I found a Flea Market/Antique Mall..... Spent some time there....
Something else I bought at that Flea Market/Antique Mall...
This beautiful clear soup bowl! Isn't it just lovely with all it's shades of Pink!
It is almost flat. Almost. I was going to use it in the China Garden I am starting. (China Gardens do not fade and wither during a drought. Nor do they have to be replanted every year.)
I think I saw on China Garden in Manuela's Blog. She has a beautiful China Garden. There are probably several other china gardens that I have seen photos of as well.

This loan clear soup bowl spoke to me. If there is not enough rain for my roses to bloom, I can still have a rose blooming in my garden, and it will be PINK!!!
This beautiful clear soup bowl! Isn't it just lovely with all it's shades of Pink!
It is almost flat. Almost. I was going to use it in the China Garden I am starting. (China Gardens do not fade and wither during a drought. Nor do they have to be replanted every year.)
I think I saw on China Garden in Manuela's Blog. She has a beautiful China Garden. There are probably several other china gardens that I have seen photos of as well.
This loan clear soup bowl spoke to me. If there is not enough rain for my roses to bloom, I can still have a rose blooming in my garden, and it will be PINK!!!
Thank you Beverly for hosting Pink Saturday! I enjoyed participating. Please go to Beverly's blog, How Sweet the Sound, and check out the other Pink Saturday Posts and Happy Pink Saturday to everyone!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
One Word Answers
I got this meme from Sally at Smiling Sally Blog. I liked it and she said I could use it on this blog. I like the one word answers. If you like it, feel free to copy it and put it on your blog as well. When I copied hers, the clip art seemed to come with it. :D
1. Where is your cell phone. Pocket
2. Where is your significant other? Bed
3. Your hair color? Brownish
4. Your Mother? Home
5. Your Father? Gone
6. Your favorite thing? Shooting
7. Your dream last night? Fun
8. Your dream goal? Retire
9. The room you're in? LivingRoom
10. Your hobby? Many
11. Your fear? Snakes
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Healthy
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. What you are not? Perfect
15. One of your wish list items? D300
16. Where you grew up? Huntsville
17. The last thing you did? Type

18. What are you wearing? Slacks
19. Your TV? Armoire
20. Your Pet? Birds
21. Your computer? Dell
22. Your Mood? Relaxed
23. Missing someone? Boo
24. Your car? Accord
25. Something you're not wearing? Dress

26. Favorite Store? TJMaxx
27. Your summer? Busy
28. Love someone? Yes
29. Your favorite color? Burgundy

30. When was the last time you laughed? Today
31. When was the last time you cried? Today
1. Where is your cell phone. Pocket
2. Where is your significant other? Bed
3. Your hair color? Brownish
4. Your Mother? Home
5. Your Father? Gone
6. Your favorite thing? Shooting
7. Your dream last night? Fun
8. Your dream goal? Retire
9. The room you're in? LivingRoom
10. Your hobby? Many
11. Your fear? Snakes
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Healthy
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. What you are not? Perfect
15. One of your wish list items? D300
16. Where you grew up? Huntsville
17. The last thing you did? Type

18. What are you wearing? Slacks
19. Your TV? Armoire
20. Your Pet? Birds
21. Your computer? Dell
22. Your Mood? Relaxed
23. Missing someone? Boo
24. Your car? Accord
25. Something you're not wearing? Dress

26. Favorite Store? TJMaxx
27. Your summer? Busy
28. Love someone? Yes
29. Your favorite color? Burgundy

30. When was the last time you laughed? Today
31. When was the last time you cried? Today
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
More Photos From Flea Market/Antique Shop
Here are some photo I took at the Flea Market/Antique Mall where I bought the Chandelier I posted about yesterday. I really likethe place. It was fun to go to. Not as fancy as many of the places around here, but most places do not have "Flea Market" added to their sign either. Some collectables, some junk, some Shabby Chic, fun stuff, weird stuff, good stuff, etc. And some bargains!

I thought this was cool.

Love these lamps.

Beautiful figurine. Growing up, my next door neighbor had this type thing all over her house. George and Martha. Love the lamps in the back ground as well.

Another pretty lamp.

Here you can see the lamps better.

Another colonial lamp. I am falling in love with these lamps. Do I feel another collection coming on?

I took this photo for Shannon.

It is not a Singer. :-( Looking for a Singer!

Now I cannot believe that someone painted this!!! But, uh, I don't think I am interested in it. I was on a 'hunt' for a chandi anyway. And this place seems to be full of them.

Many many bird cages in this place. I have 4 birds. And I have 4 bird cages. And I do not have room for a cage that is not practical for a bird. I love the look though and if I did not have birds... or if I only had one... or a bigger house....

I think this was an umbrella/hat stand and rocking horse repurposed together. Big price tag too!

I had this on my blog yesterday... it was displayed under...

this.... hahahah!
I don't know why I took a photo of this. Just like it I suppose.
I have some more photos I will share at a later time and some photos of the items that I purchased. :-)
I thought this was cool.
Love these lamps.
Beautiful figurine. Growing up, my next door neighbor had this type thing all over her house. George and Martha. Love the lamps in the back ground as well.
Another pretty lamp.
Here you can see the lamps better.
Another colonial lamp. I am falling in love with these lamps. Do I feel another collection coming on?
I took this photo for Shannon.
It is not a Singer. :-( Looking for a Singer!
Now I cannot believe that someone painted this!!! But, uh, I don't think I am interested in it. I was on a 'hunt' for a chandi anyway. And this place seems to be full of them.
Many many bird cages in this place. I have 4 birds. And I have 4 bird cages. And I do not have room for a cage that is not practical for a bird. I love the look though and if I did not have birds... or if I only had one... or a bigger house....
I think this was an umbrella/hat stand and rocking horse repurposed together. Big price tag too!
I had this on my blog yesterday... it was displayed under...
this.... hahahah!
I have some more photos I will share at a later time and some photos of the items that I purchased. :-)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Kitchen Chandelier
Today is Tuesday Trash to Treasure Hosted by Diane of A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words. And here is my T to T to share.
Lately, I have been on a 'hunt'. Specifically, a chandelier for my kitchen. Not too over the top, not too rustic. Pretty, well so on and so forth.
My desire has been inspired by bloggers! Now I did have a desire to find a chandi for $2 or no more than $15 and re wire and re do like everyone else. A real bargain. But DH was afraid I would burn the house down. He even preferred that I just buy a new one and be done with it. But no! Non of that for me!!! (He also went pricing new ones with me... He was clueless!!! I think we had 2 different ideas of what I would be satisfied with...)
Lately, I have been on a 'hunt'. Specifically, a chandelier for my kitchen. Not too over the top, not too rustic. Pretty, well so on and so forth.
My desire has been inspired by bloggers! Now I did have a desire to find a chandi for $2 or no more than $15 and re wire and re do like everyone else. A real bargain. But DH was afraid I would burn the house down. He even preferred that I just buy a new one and be done with it. But no! Non of that for me!!! (He also went pricing new ones with me... He was clueless!!! I think we had 2 different ideas of what I would be satisfied with...)
Hummmmm.... Spray painted with textured paint, strung with plastic beads... that were also spray painted. It looked OK for a photo prop, but don't look too close!
This one is pretty. Pretty for a girl's room. My room! ;-) I saw one very similar to this at Lowes not long ago on clearance for almost 1/2 the asking price for this... keep looking...
My kitchen is the odd room in the house. It has cheerful yellow walls and it is decorated with blue and white. (The rest of my house is rich with greens, reds, sages, toupes)
We are getting very close with this one. Very close.
I will have to keep it in mind.
I love it, but way over the top! Too Foo Foo! Nice for the bedroom or bathroom?
Oh my, what is that under the bench, stuck under there. It has a few broken pieces, but that can be fixed. Can it be????
Oh my, what is that under the bench, stuck under there. It has a few broken pieces, but that can be fixed. Can it be????
I believe that is exactly what I am looking for!!! None of the china pieces are broken. Has places for 16 prisims. Looks like it might need rewiring. DH wired a whole house when he and his Dad built a lake house together. How hard can it be for him to rewire a chandelier for me?

Yes! Yes!!! It is just for me!!! And yes ladies I did buy something. :D A few somethings, but I will save the rest for another post. ;-)
It needed a little straightening.
I cannot believe this beautiful Chandi had been someone's 'trash' at one time.
I cannot believe this beautiful Chandi had been someone's 'trash' at one time.
I love all the details. They are just lovely.
I had thought about changing out the candle parts, but decided I liked the 'aged' look. I thought it needed total rewiring. But when DH took it apart, it was totally wired. It only needed a wire from the fixture to the ceiling, a chain and a canopy. Home Depot's chains looked too 'new' and the canopys looked like plastic spray painted gold or what ever color you needed. I decided to just buy the gold coated wiring we needed, and canobolize the chain and canopy from the fixture we used to have in the kitchen. The chain was more 'aged' and the canopy was brass & 'aged'.
I had thought about changing out the candle parts, but decided I liked the 'aged' look. I thought it needed total rewiring. But when DH took it apart, it was totally wired. It only needed a wire from the fixture to the ceiling, a chain and a canopy. Home Depot's chains looked too 'new' and the canopys looked like plastic spray painted gold or what ever color you needed. I decided to just buy the gold coated wiring we needed, and canobolize the chain and canopy from the fixture we used to have in the kitchen. The chain was more 'aged' and the canopy was brass & 'aged'.
And two of decorative arms had to be reattached. The dealer made sure they were with the chandi. She also knocked 45% off the price of the fixture.
These photos were all taken with my point and shoot camera, but my photoshop program loads my copyright onto all my photos automatically. Please do not think my Professional work looks like this!!! These are 5 second photos with a little camera that fits in my purse. LOL!
DD and I counted 16 places to hang prisms. Though the fixture looks great w/out prisms, we think we want prisms. We will double check before we order though.
I have found some french prisms that are shaped very similar to the the shape at the bottom of the chain. However, all they have in stock are prisms with silver bowties and hangers. And I want gold and those are out of stock. I have called the company and left a message and emailed them. But they have not returned my call or email. Anyone know a good source for prisms?
DD and I counted 16 places to hang prisms. Though the fixture looks great w/out prisms, we think we want prisms. We will double check before we order though.
I have found some french prisms that are shaped very similar to the the shape at the bottom of the chain. However, all they have in stock are prisms with silver bowties and hangers. And I want gold and those are out of stock. I have called the company and left a message and emailed them. But they have not returned my call or email. Anyone know a good source for prisms?

I love it!!! Now I really need to get started on those curtains/window treatments!
Thank you for stopping by my blog!
Be sure to go by Diane's very first Trash to Treasure Event and see the other posts!
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