Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More Fall Decorating

Looking for plate hangers, decorative ones, I went to Home Goods and guess what, they were selling the turkey plates separately today! I bought one!

I placed it over the bay window with some other plates. I had to take one of the plates that stays up there all the time, down. When I find a plate hanger, of any kind, I might hang the turkey plate somewhere else in my kitchen. But for now, I will keep it here, but I think it looks lost.

Here is my sideboard in the dinning room. It is a little out of balance. I took the buffet lamps off. I have had them nearly 16 years. Decided to move them to the guest room. I could not find another set of buffet lamps that I like, then I thought, "why do I have to have a set? Why can't I use what I already have?" I have to adjust looking at it though. I think I will make some changes when I do the dinning table. Then everything will be in balance. :-D

I have not idea how old this turkey is. I remember picking him up on a clearance rack some time before DD was born. He has some parts missing. I had to re glue his nose back on. But I like him and he is cute. The tray you will find in one of my older posts. I found it at a thrift store 2.48 cents. Metal based silver plate. Stamped, but has a couple of rust spots. I may spray paint it sometime in the future.

But for now, looks great hosting the turkey and the gourds from Ross and the $$$ store. :D

One of the cloches made this weekend filled to the brim with gourds from Ross'.

A crystal biscuit jar filled with $$$ gourds. I like it and the way the color stands out.

A lamp that was my DH's mother's. It is beautiful. Missing about 5 prisms. I know where to find some. I do need to check prices though. I tucked some books underneath to give it height. Worried about then read Penny's article about decorating with books. :-) Realized I did a 'good thing'! I do need to find one more book to give it a tad more height.

This little cermic pumpkin came from the $$$ store. Pretty!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Playing with my Blog

I have been playing with some of my photos and made a banner for my daily blog. I think it is fallish.

Mabry Mill is the most photographed gristmills in the Eastern US. Located near mile marker .... 82(? someone correct me if I am wrong) on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Another Cloche

Roll Tide Roll!!!! Woo Hoo!

I taught a Pilates class this morning and went SHOPPING!!! Actually I had to exchange a dress I bought at Marshall's yesterday. Needed a smaller size. :D I can always handle that.

Thought I would run by TJMaxx. I am in an online Tea Swap and I found something to finish up my swap there. I also found a vase for $2.99! I had an extra votive from the $$$ store to use up and an extra final around the house so I bought it. I also found another plate to use, not that I needed another plate, but it was blue. I like blue.

I also went to Home Goods. It is in the same shopping center. I found some blue and white turkey plates, but I only wanted one. And they were in boxes of 4 so I did not get any. I found a Beatrix Potter plate to hang on the wall of the Beatrix Potter room (saving for another post).

Here are my two cloches. The new one is on the right. Not satisfied with the tops. Need 'tweeking'.

Here his the vase I bought yesterday. I swapped the finials. I think I like it better. It has a more formal look. (edited to add, this finial was Ed's grandmother's. It was one of her things that he wanted and I just move it around the house. I think it looks good on the vase.)

And the new $2.99 vase from todays TJMaxx trip. Plate below $3 from TJMaxx. I like the look together and adds color to my kitchen.

Now back to work!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fall Y'all!

I have had a busy week. That is good. :-) Keeps me out of trouble. ;-) Next week should be slower.

We have had a nip in the air. A smell of fall. Nice window opening weather in the early AM and late PM. Sigh. Now I am getting in the mood to decorate for fall.

This is a little start!

The pumpkins are from where else but... the $ Tree! The basket is an old silver plate basket that I have had and spray painted a few weeks ago. The frame is from "shopping" in my basement, spray painting and adding a glazed finish. Chalk board spray painted foam core, again found in the basement.
Show and Tell
Make sure you stop by Kelli's There's No Place Like Home and check out all the other Friday Show and Tell participants.

I have been a little more inspired and went shopping.... well, after I went to my MS patient's house to do her physio-therapy/training.

I added a few photos of some more things that I have done today.

Today, I found this plate at Marshalls for 50 cents. It does not go with a thing in this house. But when I am done, it can be a starter of my new 'china garden'. :D

"What'cha do'in?" Zoey is coming into the room to check on what I am doing... (Off topic here-notice where the grout stain stops? and the messy job? Don't, don't leave supplies where precocious 8 year olds, who think they know it all, can get to the supplies. B/c of trying to fix her mess, I still have not finished restaining my grout... another post, another day.) I am not putting Zoey in the cloche.

I saw where Kimba (Soft Place to Land) made one of these and posted it on her site this morning. I was looking for one while shopping yesterday and Target had them for 29.99.... too rich for my blood... Especially when it might be in the Goodwill box next month! I had the finial from Lowe's sitting in a drawer- .20 cents. I received a 40% off coupon in the email box from Micheals yesterday. Vase came from there. 7.99 - 40% +9% sales tax. Little more than 5 bucks.
Votive holder from the $$$ Tree 2 for a $. The faux harvest came from Ross. Though I have a bunch from the $$$ Tree as well.

This is a Princess House Chrystal Vase that my mom gave me 15-16 years ago. It just sits around. When I saw Ramona's vases full of the faux harvest and pine cones, I thought "Oh, I need to clean the dust off of that and fill it up!!!" Looks good! Now to get on with more decorating!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blog Award!

I have been given the sweetest award! Carolyn at Cranberry Crossings has awarded me with the
Photobucket Award! Thank you Carolyn! Carolyn is busy decorating for fall. Please go by her blog and see all the beautiful things she has done.

Now I am supposed to pass this award along to 6 blogs that I love. That will be very hard to do b/c I love and visit so many!

The first two blogs that I will pass the award to I recently teased the ladies about it being their fought that "I'm blogging and I can't stop!" LOL! I love these ladies and have known them for years. Will be seeing one f them in 3 weeks when we meet up at Smocking Arts Guild of America Convention in Atlanta.

1. Martha at Southern Matriarch. Martha is fun loving, crafty and a fine seamstress. If you like embroidery, sewing, etc., check out her site. She has some excellent tutorials for Bullion Embroidery, Eyelets, etc., on her blog. Martha is also making lovely bonnet stands and dress stands. You will see beginnings of them on her blog right now, finished items later on this week.

2. Pam at Sew Gracious. I have known Pam, thru the internet, for years. She also belongs to Smocking Arts Guild of America. Her blog mainly features her lovely bags and accessories that she sells in her Etsy Shop. But she will also post recipes, write about gardening, sewing, crafts, etc.

3. Rhonda at ScooterBlu's Whimsy. Her blog is about her everyday life. It can be about her family, yard sale finds, lake parties, decorating, etc. Her blog is a lot of fun to go see every day.

4. Ramona at A Day in the Life of Ramona. She decorates, recycles, and has a lot of ideas on her site. I enjoy going there. (I am going to use that pine cone & $ store tiny gourd in a glass container she has on her blog. I like it!)

5. Nancy at Southern Lady. And a gracious Southern Lady she is. I love going to her site just to see what she has done, what house she has toured and taken photos of....

6. Kelli at No Place Like Home. Kelli's home is always warm and inviting. It smells like warm bread, fresh coffee and an extra plate set just for you. The first time I saw Kelli's blog was a couple of years ago. Someone posted one of her smocking projects on the Heirloom Sewing and Smocking Forum that I belong to. She had posted a basic square yoke dress that she had made for one of the girls. And I love her Friday Show and Tell, whether I get a chance to participate or not.

Ladies, feel free to pick up your award and display them on your blog if your feel lead. And thanks so much for your inspiration and kind words. They mean a lot!

Thank you Carolyn for the award and your kind words.

Everyone, please take a moment to visit these fine ladies blogs. :-)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Keeping Up With Your Favorite Blogs & New Favorite Blogs

I am relatively new to blogging. I loved the "Blog Roll" for keeping up with my favorite blogs. I have noticed that many people have their "Blog Roll" listed on a separate blog. Others have "BlogLines". I have recently tried that. Not sure if I like it or not. I like how the pages load quickly and I can read, but harder to quickly post. Now Blogger/Blogspot has a new system in your dashboard where you can follow blogs and keep up with your blogs there. My question is, which do you prefer?

Blog Roll
The new Blogger/Blogspot Follower
Keeping a Blog Roll on a separate blog

Other-Please mention in comment.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

My New Wellies!

Hey y'all! Look at my new Wellies!!!
Aren't they Cute and PINK!!!

I had to go find some PINK gloves to go with them. :-D Really Kewl! And PINK!!!

And since it is PINK Saturday, I had to put on a PINK top! DD enjoyed posing me and taking this photo. ;-)

Don'cha just love my new Wellies? Now I feel like my feet and legs feel safe from this critter's mama and siblings.

I just love my new Wellingtons. I found them at Burlington Coat Factory for $14.99. A bargain I'd say. :-D

Make sure you go by and see Beverly, our Hostess for Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound. and see all the other PINK posts. Thank you Beverly for being our Hostess every week. It is a lot of fun!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ed's Grandmother's Trivets

I am participating in Kelli's of There's No Place Like Home Friday Show and Tell. {Click on this link to read more about it.}
Show and Tell

I took these photos with my trusty point and shoot camera. I think they came out OK? And a lot quicker to upload to my blog as well. :D

A few weeks ago, my FIL's wife gave me these lovely trivets. They were made by my husband's Grandmother. She was much loved by her family. And the lady knew how to use a needle. They thought I would appreciate them.

The top two were, I believe, made as pot holders. And must have hung in the kitchen. They both have a loop on them. The yellow orange (variegated thread) is the only one made like that. They are both smaller.

They had stains on them. I had to soak them in Sun (same as biz only cheaper) for several days. It did lift the color just a tad. The pink was darker.

This one was a tad more vibrant.

This one also had ink on it as well as stains. Lots of Grandmothers Secret Spot Remover and Sun. This one soaked over and over for days to remove all the stains. It did fade a good bit.

Mom (what she was called by her children, DIL and Grandchildren) was an excellent craftswoman. And she used excellent materials. These trivets were stored for decades with the stains. That eats away at the fibers in the textiles. (Textiles must be cleaned in like dove dishwashing liquid, rinsed throughly and packed away. All sugar and stains removed before storage.) I was suprised that the fibers held up so well to the soaking. They look just beautiful!

And doesn't it look beautiful underneath my Laura Ashley Teapot made by Stashfordshire?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cypress Fern

Otherwise known as Morning Glory Quamoclit pennata from the Convolvulaceae family.

For many many years, this Morning Glory was spread by passing out seeds over a neighbor's fence. In a way, that is sort'of how I got mine. While walking one day, I saw it all over a mail box. I asked the owner of the house about the plant. "May I have a cutting or one of the seedlings?" He explained it does not root and the seedlings will not transplant. But, in the fall, or as I see seed pods, take as much as I want.

I have this growing on my mailbox and now, through out my yard. It prefers full sun and anything it can climb on. Mine has bright red blooms. You can also get it in pink and white. In the bottom photo it is coming up volunteer and intertwined with some vincas and weeds.

Many times a year someone will stop by and ask for cuttings, seedlings, etc. I tell them the same thing the man told me. I also keep a baggy of seeds just to give away.

I really need to use my micro lens on a day when it is not windy! This is a tiny flower. BTW, humming birds like them too! And they will buzz you as you photograph the flower.

Another Fall Give-A-Way

Joanne at My Little Cottage in the Making is having a fabulous fall Give-A-Way. Please stop by her blog and check it out.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fray Check is Our Friend

As a long time sewer, embroider, smocker, quilter, crocheter, crafter and collector, I have found that from time to time there is one item I cannot do without. I discovered it not long after purchasing a serger 10 years ago. And now keep several bottles of it. I keep it in sewing kits, next to my sewing machines, etc.
You can pick it up any where you can purchase sewing notions. Hobby Lobby, Hancocks, Wally World, ...

This is a beautiful crochet doily that I picked up at an antique shop a few weeks ago for $3. It was in mint condition. However, my final test was a good soak in Sunguard (Biz just a little cheaper. Works for getting out stains and anything else.) I placed several pieces in the washer on delicate and presoak. This lovely piece had a weak spot and frayed. I did not worry about it, it adds character and I have Fray Check!

Here is another item that I purchased at a thrift store next door to the antique store. It also frayed in the wash.

When you apply the Fray Check, make sure you have a piece of plastic or some sort of protective covering underneath the textile.

When the Fray Check is dry, the item is ready for use or storage. You can still see the damage. (And BTW, you can repair the damage if you desire to. I plan to do that with this piece. It is just too nice a piece to not repair.) But the Fray Check will keep the it from raveling more and meanwhile, you can use it.

Fray Check is permanent. It is also very soft and you can hardly feel it when it drys. I use to crochet colored beads or buttons on my daughters socks (to match all her outfits) when she was younger. I have made them to sell and for gifts. I have never had a pair ravel b/c of my end piece coming undone b/c I always finished it off with Fray Check. It is a good product. And it is soft enough that I can easily repair this piece when I am ready to do so with needle and thread. :-)

BTW, if you see any other loose threads when treating a frayed piece with Fray Check, treat that lose threads as well. You will be glad that you did. :-)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Soccer Mom

I am going to lose my Soccer Mom status. DD has had two games and I have missed both!!!

The first game, I subbed a Pilates class for a friend then ended teaching the cardio class before the Pilates class as well at that particular gym. DD seemed to be thrilled that, for once, mom (who was her soccer coach last year, well asst. coach) was not going to be there cheering or screaming at her from the sidelines....

Game 1

They won the game (though we do not keep score in UpWard) and DD scored two goals!

I missed the second game because my CPR certification is expiring this month and I had to take my recert course. Well, she was a little sad that I missed the 2nd game. The 1st game was a little independence from mom kinda thing. The second game was "OK mom, that's enough!!!" LOL!

Game 2

DD said they won, DH said that he could not tell. DD scored several goals. But the ref disqualified one I think. Glad I was not there. I do not mind confronting a ref. In a kind way of course.

Now, interesting thing. Both coaches are going to be out on practice night this week. Guess who the stand in coach is? Yep, Soccer MOM! ME!

Y'all please pray for me. I get a little intense with these little girls and expect them to play like pros. I need to show them what to do kindly and correctly with the love of Christ and make sure I understand it is just a game. Plus the rules have changed and I am not 'up' on them completely. And really, this is just a practice. The real coaches will be back on Sat for the game. I just need to do the best I can to prepare the girls. DH is helping me. And though he is very intense as well, soccer is not something he gets intense about. So he will be a great buffer. :-)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Another Fab Give-A-Way!!!

is celebrating her 100th post by giving away Amy Butler's "In Stitches" I know if you are a sewer like me, this is a great treat! You have until Midnight to enter! Click on the link I posted above to go to her site to register. :-) Or you can click right here. :D

Sunday Video

Our Minister of Performing Arts cut a CD a little less than a year ago. Here ia a youtube link to one of the songs. This is from the 'kickoff' concert.

David DeVane

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Flowers from my Yard

It is Pink Saturday!!!
Today, I thought that I would share with you a few photos of flowers that are blooming in my yard. (See why it is so hard to get in the mood for fall decorating with these beauties?)

I love these fuchsia impatiens. I think they are just beautiful. And the rains we have had from the hurricanes have given them a whole new flush of blooms.

I like to plant them with caladiums. They just go so well together. How do you like my little pink tea cup votive holder? I bought several of these about 3 years ago at Old Time Pottery Barn. (I just love that place.) This is the only one that has survived my child and the neighbor children playing in the yard.

I love Vincas. These little pinks with the hot pink centers are my favorite. They are peeking out from some weeds. One thing about rains from hurricanes. Yes they relieve drought conditions, give us an extra flush of blooms and boy those weeds start coming!!! I also gave them a good dose of fertilize just before Gustauv b/c I knew we would get plenty of rain from that one.
This vinca is HOT PINK really HOT PINK! With a pretty pink center. It came out of the camera red, so I did photo shop it a tad. Then I remembered I have a filter on my camera lens. I probably should have taken it off. Will do that next time.

I love pink flowers and usually plant a lot of them in my yard every year. I think they make just a beautiful presentation in any yard.

Happy Pink Saturday Y'all and remember to stop by Bev's How Sweet the Sound to check out all the other Pink Saturday Posts. To find out more about Pink Saturday, clink on the link my my sidebar.